We're in this together

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You and Draco finished dinner, and decided to head to the Gryffindor common room to hang out before sleeping. You had just walked out of the Great Hall when you had an idea.

"Come," You grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him around a corner.

"Where are we going?" He said, trying to catch up with your jogs.

"Somewhere fun," You led him down the stairs, under the Great Hall. You walked until you found the painting of the bowl of fruit. You turned to Draco. "Hermione brought me, Ron, and Harry here to visit Dobby and the other house elves in third year."

"Where is 'here', exactly?" He looked around, confused.

"Oh yeah," You hit your forehead with your hand and tickled the pear on the fruit bowl painting.

The pear giggled and turned into a large green door handle. You opened it and revealed the large, high ceilinged room, almost as large as the Great Hall above it. Pots and pans hung around the kitchen and there was a large brick fireplace.

"Cool, right?" You smirked at Draco's surprised face.

"Hello Miss," A small house elf bowed to you.

"Hello," You smiled, and crouched to their level. "I'm Y/n, what's your name?"

"Loopey, Miss," He told you politely. He had large ears and large eyes.

"This is my boyfriend," You grabbed Draco's arm and pulled him down to crouch with you.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," He outstretched a hand. The house elf didn't take it and backed away. The other house elves in the kitchen gasped and looked.

"Dobby has told us many awful things about the Malfoy family," Loopey said, eyes wide in fear. You turned to Draco, giving him a look that said, say something.

"I promise I'm different," He told the tiny elf. Draco bowed his head. "I'm sorry."

"No, please," The house elf walked towards him and moved his head back to an upright position quickly. "No need to bow to the house elves, sir. Loopey accepts your apology."

"Okay, good," Draco said. You gave him a proud look.

"Now, what brings you to the kitchens?" Loopy asked you.

"I was wondering if we could try baking something, for fun," You told him.

"Of course! Loopy will be happy to assist you!" Loopy beamed. "What exactly will you make?"

"Hmm," You though to yourself. "Chocolate chip cookies!"

Loopy nodded and disappeared. You looked around and saw the house elves preparing the ingredients and tools for you.

"What exactly are chocolate chip cookies?" Draco asked you.

"Some kind of muggle cookies," You told him, still watching the house elves.

"What are cookies?" He looked confused.

"Seriously?" You looked at him, with a look of incredulity on your face. He shrugged and you gasped. "I guess you'll have to find out."

You walked over to the table where the house elves had prepared the stuff you needed to bake.

"Thanks Loopy," You told the house elf and he bowed.

"My pleasure, Miss," He told you, beaming.

"Have you seen Dobby lately?" You asked him, interested.

"Not recently, Miss," He told you.

"Oh, if you see him, will you tell him I say hi?" You asked.

All I Care About (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now