It's a good thing I drank

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You were sitting with your friends at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall for lunch.

"Look everyone," Luna said, holding a magazine. "My father just printed the newest edition of the Quibbler!"

You gathered around her as well as other members of the DA.

"Unmasking the truth about You-know-who," You read the headline. "Long live Harry Potter."

"Luna that's wonderful!" Ginny hugged her friend.

"Yeah, tell your dad I love him for me, will you?" You elbowed Luna playfully. Laughs rang out around the table.

"I brought copies!" Luna said, gesturing to the tall stack of Quibbler Magazines on the table. Students swarmed the table, taking copies.

Your smile faded when you spotted Snape. He didn't look angry but he was watching Luna with a dangerously calm expression on his face. He turned to the Carrow siblings and told them something you couldn't hear. Their faces lit up and they smiled maliciously, looking at Luna.

"Neville," You said.

"I see them," Neville nodded, watching the teachers' table.

"A toast to Luna," Seamus held out his tankard of Firewhisky (he had stored bottles of it in his luggage from the last Hogsmeade trip). "For giving us one Dumbledore's Army success!"

Everyone raised their cups, cheering. You were in the Gryffindor common room with Seamus, Dean, Neville, Ginny, Ernie, Hannah, and Luna.

"That magazine brought hope to many," You added, standing next to Seamus. "And sparked hatred in others, like greasy haired Snape."

Laughter rang throughout the common room.

"And a toast to Neville," You continued, holding out your tankard of firewhiskey. "For being the best damn leader DA has ever seen!"

Whoops and cheers filled the room and Dean patted Neville on the back. You sat down on the armchair Ginny was sitting on.

"Hey!" She laughed as you squeezed beside her, your leg on hers.

"Sorry, is there a problem?" You raised your eyebrow, smiling. Ginny wrapped her arms around your torso from behind you, giggling.

"We deserve a celebration," Seamus said. "How about a little game of truth or dare, eh?"

"Count me in," You said, taking a swig of your firewhiskey.

"Then count me in, too," Dean winked at you from the long couch beside your armchair, in front of the fireplace. Murmurs of agreement filled the room.

"Nope," Ernie Macmillan stood from his chair. "I happen to have a girlfriend. I'll be over there."

"Suit yourself," Ginny shrugged.

"But don't you have a boyfriend too?" Ernie looked at her, confused.

"Oh right!" She laughed. "I forgot about that. I'm sure Harry won't mind that I play a little game."

You and your friends (excluding Ernie) all sat in a circle in front of the fireplace.

"Alright, I'll go first," You said. You were sitting in between Ginny and Dean. "Dean, truth or dare."

"Dare," He said without hesitation.

"Fine," You smirked. "I dare you to have a full on makeout sesh with your boy Seamus over there."

"Can I go back and pick truth?" Dean asked quickly.

"Nope," You shook your head, smiling evilly. "Do it... or are you too chicken?"

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