Malfoy Manor

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 "What exactly happened?" Ginny asked. You were sitting with her and Luna in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, heading home. Neville was sitting with his girlfriend, Hannah, in another compartment.

"I already told you," You rolled your eyes, playfully. "We played truth or dare and you got totally wasted."

"Yes, but what did I do?" She clarified. "I know I definitely played the game."

"Well," You fidgeted with your hands. "It's kind of a long story-"

"You and Y/n kissed," Luna said, looking extremely interested at the Quibbler magazine she was reading.

"We did?" Ginny looked at you with her eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, it's not that big of a deal," You said quickly. "We were both wasted and I won't tell Harry-"

"Was I good?" She asked.

"Wait... what?" You looked at her, confused.

"You heard me." She smirked.

"Yes Ginny," You laughed and rolled your eyes. "You are an amazing kisser!"

She laughed harder and you fell back onto the seat, holding your stomach.

"And you call me Looney," Luna smiled.

This only made you laugh ten times harder, except with Luna this time. Suddenly, the train began to stop and jerk around. You stumbled onto the floor along with Ginny as the train came to a stop.

"What's going on?" You asked, worriedly as you sat up.

"I'm not sure," Ginny replied, looking around. The lights flickered off and you breathed heavily, panicking.

All of a sudden, you saw black smoke make its way in the hall and pour under the door, filling your compartment. You lost sight of Ginny and Luna and couldn't see anything. Screams could be heard from around the train.

"Guys!" You called.

"I'm here!" Ginny's voice said. You felt around the black fog for them and was met with a leathery texture. You felt around the tall individual and realized that you weren't touching Ginny or Luna.

"Guys..." You started to warn but you were pushed onto the ground by invisible hands. The fog began to clear enough for you to see a tall black figure. Chaos filled the cabin as he grabbed onto a small girl.

"Luna!" You scrambled back up and reached in your pocket for your wand but it wasn't there. You saw Ginny trying to fight the man but he pushed her hard, making her head crash with the window behind. She slumped to the ground beside you, unconscious, and you barely had time to process what was happening when Luna yelped. You saw her go limp as the man grabbed her. You leaped forward without thinking, grabbing onto him as your feet left the ground and you apparated away with them.

Your feet collided with the ground and your surroundings cleared.

"No," You whispered, realizing where you were. The entrance of Malfoy Manor.

Rough hands grabbed onto you, holding you tightly. A wand jabbed your throat hard, warning you not to struggle. You looked around and saw Luna unconscious also being held by the man. You tried looking at the person holding you hostage but you couldn't get a good look.

The man lead you and Luna inside the Manor and you couldn't help remembering the time you were last there. You remembered the paintings of ancient and important pureblooded wizards on the walls. You remembered the large staircase leading to the rooms. You remembered you had lost your virginity to Draco in this house.

All I Care About (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora