What friends?

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"She finally awakens," Draco said as you opened your eyes. He was standing shirtless in the center of the room, putting on his Slytherin sweater. The morning light seeped through the tiny windows and into the room.
"Good morning to you too," You said yawning as you sat up. You moved your hair out of your face instinctively but saw that your hair was pulled back in a long loose braid. "Did you braid my hair while I was sleeping?"

Malfoy nodded as he adjusted his clothing. You grinned. You stood up to give him a kiss on the cheek when you realized that you were only wearing a bra, not a shirt. You instinctively covered your almost bare chest and heard Malfoy chuckle.

"All of a sudden so shy," Malfoy smirked. "You weren't like that last night."

You raised an eyebrow at him as you removed your arm from your chest, giving him the full view. He raised his eyebrows as you walked closer to him and kissed him briefly, leaving him wanting more.

"Oh come on, Pierce," Malfoy whined.

"What shirt am I wearing now?" You grinned smugly at him. He turned around and threw you his white collared button up shirt that he had worn under his sweater yesterday.

"Thanks," You said, putting the shirt over your head.

"Woah Pierce," Draco looked at you, smirking. "I don't think I've ever heard you use the word thank you."

"Just because I haven't used my manners towards you doesn't mean I don't have them," You said, adjusting the buttons on the shirt.

"I think we may have a problem," Draco said looking at your shirt and trying to keep in his laughter.

"What?" You said walking to face the mirror. "Oh shit." You muttered as you saw your reflection. The shirt made specifically for men was slightly tighter around your bust, making the buttons around your chest struggle to keep together. The black bra you were wearing was extremely visible through the see through shirt. You saw Malfoy in your reflection who casually wrapped his arms around you and leaned to rest his chin on your shoulder.

"On second thought the sweater will do," You said, trying to grab it off Malfoy, who prevented you from doing so by keeping you in place. "You can't honestly make me wear this."

"It looks worse in the reflection than it does in person," He said, shrugging. "And besides you look fit."

After a lot of arguing you agreed to wear the shirt only to get to the Gryffindor common room and change into another, more appropriate one. You pushed the brick to open the door and walked out of the empty classroom and into the corridors, with Malfoy behind you. Students were already filling the corridors, heading to the Great Hall. As you and Draco walked side by side people started to whisper and point at you... or rather at your shirt.

"See I told you they'd notice," You whispered to Malfoy, as you tried to cover your body by folding your arms.

You heard whistles and whoops coming from beside you. You tried to ignore it and kept walking but Draco looked furious.

"Looking good Y/n!" The same group of boys who were whistling at you called to you. You rolled your eyes and kept walking until you felt a hand grab your butt rather hard. You yelped and turned around to see a Hufflepuff boy a little older than you standing there looking triumphant, with his group of fellow Hufflepuffs behind him. Humiliation flooded through your body as you realized he had groped you. Malfoy seemed to have noticed it too because he approached the Hufflepuff boy angrily.

"You'll pay for that Woolley," Draco spat with a look of pure hatred in his eyes. He took out his wand and said, "Levicorpus!"

The Hufflepuff boy, Woolley was hoisted into the air by his ankle. Malfoy then started beating him up aggressively. You watched in horror as blood started to fall from where Woolley was hanging.

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