Long time no see

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 "Be safe," Molly said to you and Ginny as you reached Platform 9 ¾. "Don't cause any trouble. This year will be very different than the years at Hogwarts that you've experienced. If it were up to me-"

"You wouldn't have us going to Hogwarts at all," Ginny finished for her.

"But You-know-who made it a requirement," You told Molly. "It's not our choice."

"Oh, I know," Molly said with a sad look in her eyes.

"We'll be fine," You put a hand on her shoulder, kindly. "I'll look after Ginny. I promise."

Molly looked at you gratefully and pulled you into a warm hug.

"I know you will," She whispered. You hugged her back. She was the only mother figure you had, since your real mother had died.

"Now," She said as she pulled away gently. "You both better board that train before it leaves."

"Bye, mum," Ginny said, giving Molly an embrace. After pulling away, Ginny came up to you and you walked to the Hogwarts express train.

"Goodbye!" You heard Molly call behind you, as you boarded.

As the train began to move, you and Ginny walked down the narrow hall and found a compartment with Luna and Neville inside.

"Hi guys," Ginny grinned widely.

"Hello Ginny, Hello Y/n," Luna said in a dreamy voice.

You and Ginny hugged Luna.

"Hi Y/n," Neville said. He stood to embrace you which was slightly awkward because of his height. You hugged him and smelled his freshly washed clothes.

"Hi Neville," You smiled and gently pulled away. You took in his new appearance. He had grown a lot taller since the year before. His chubby face had faded and a sharp featured face had taken its place. His body was more fit and muscular. His shy and timid physique had gone away. He looked more confident and self assured.

"What is it?" Neville asked, blushing slightly. You realized how you were looking at him and snapped out of your daze.

"Nothing!" You said quickly. "You've changed, that's all."

"Oh, thanks?" He smiled. You thought to yourself, I guess his personality hasn't changed that much at all.

"It's a compliment," You clarified, sitting down beside Ginny, opposite of him and Luna.

Ginny looked at you with an amused expression.

"What?" You whispered, avoiding her gaze.

A few hours into the train ride, you and your friends talked about how their summer was, you had ordered pumpkin pasties from the trolley, and you had changed into your robes.

"My gran and I heard about the Death Eaters crashing Bill and Fleur's wedding," Neville said. "I'm glad you all got out alright."

"Thanks to Y/n," Ginny said, elbowing you playfully. "If it wasn't for her that Death Eater probably would have killed me."

"You had him under control," You rolled your eyes, trying not to smile.

"She's so humble," Ginny whispered to Neville and Luna.

"That's brilliant," Neville praised, smiling.

When you locked eyes with him, he blushed again, except this time you did too. You felt Ginny's eyes on you but you didn't look at her. Luna looked at Neville and then back at you, with an odd expression on her face that you couldn't quite place.

The compartment door opened suddenly, saving you from the awkward situation. Your relief turned to horror as you recognized the student who had opened the door.

"Y/n," Blaise smiled evilly. "Long time no see."

You felt your heart stop and anxiety crawl inside your heart. Ginny stood up, shielding you from him.

"Get out, Blaise," Ginny said, with a fierce look in her eyes.

"I just want to talk to Y/n," Blaise continued, amused.

"She said get out," Neville stood next to Ginny, looking down at Blaise from his height.

Blaise scoffed and turned to leave.

"We will have that talk, Y/n," He said before exiting the compartment. "I'll make sure of it."

You felt tears roll down your cheeks, and you couldn't move.

"Draco's not here to protect you anymore," He said, menacingly.

"Yes, but we are," Luna stood up and took out her wand. Blaise backed up out of the carriage.

"Bye Blaise," Ginny threatened as Blaise walked away.

Luna closed the door and you felt your hands shake and you stared at them.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Ginny sat down beside you and put her arms around you. Tears spilled from your eyes faster.

"He's gone, Y/n," Neville knelt down to your level. "He's not going to touch you again. We'll make sure of that."

You couldn't say anything.

"Here," Luna passed you a flask. "It's a calming drought. I always bring it just in case I cross paths with a Nargle."

"Thanks, Luna," Ginny took the bottle for you and unscrewed it. She passed it to you and helped you drink it. Immediately after taking a few sips, you felt your anxiety fade away and your hands stopped shaking.

"There, better?" Ginny rubbed your back, reassuringly.

"Better," You said softly, wiping your tears. "Thanks Luna."

"Of course," Luna said sweetly.

"Thanks for sticking up for me," You muttered. "I just got scared that Draco isn't here anymore. I'm glad you guys are."

"Always will be," Ginny smiled. "What happened with you and Draco by the way? If you don't mind me asking-"

"It's fine," You squeezed her hand. "Draco and I broke up."

"Really?" Neville asked, looking the opposite of upset, more hopeful.

"Yes," You continued, glancing Neville's pink face. "He's a Death Eater and I want to be an Auror. It just won't work out. And besides he's not even coming to Hogwarts this year. He's doing Death Eater business or whatever."

"At least you won't see him," Luna said.

"Yeah, I guess there's that," You mumbled.

"It'll be fine," Ginny said, encouraging you. "You'll find yourself a new man. A better man and you'll forget all about that git."

"Definitely," You laughed. You couldn't help but notice Neville's determined and hopeful expression, which made you question many things.

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