Did I hear you say clothing?

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"Another letter!" You heard Cassie yell from downstairs. You smiled and ran to the living room to find Draco's eagle owl. You petted it's feathers as it cooed under your fingers. After visiting you almost every week for almost two months, with a new love letter from Draco, it had begun to take a liking to you.

You opened the envelope with a Malfoy family seal excitedly. Draco's distinguished handwriting appeared as you unfolded the letter. The first few sentences were a sappy love notes telling you how beautiful you were and how much he loved you. The rest of the letter was him telling you what was happening at home and how excited he was that you were visiting him tomorrow. He wrote that he would come over to escort you there by floo powder at 6pm. You grinned widely. Your eyes scanned to the bottom of the page:

P.S. Remember to bring formal clothing to Malfoy Manor

"Ooo," Your sister, Cassie teased, apparating beside you. "Let me read!"

"I already told you," You said, holding the letter far away from her as possible. "These are private!"

"Accio letter!" Cassie said, pulling out her wand. The letter flew from your hand into hers. You groaned. She was 23 years old and was allowed to use magic while you were 15 and weren't allowed to.

"Yes, yes, lovey lovey lovey..." She muttered, reading it. Her eyes grew wide as she read the P.S. "Formal clothing?"

You nodded with your arms crossed against your chest, still frustrated that she had invaded your privacy... again.

"And he tells you this now?" She freaked. "We literally have to ramsack Effie's closet now."

Effie was you and your sister's 23 year old roommate, along with your sister's boyfriend Curtis. She was probably the prettiest woman you had ever seen in your life, with her dark wavy hair, blue eyes, and her tall, model-like physique. She also had the best fashion sense out of all of you, and owned so many articles of clothing that you had never seen her wear the same outfit twice.

"Effie!" Cassie yelled.

"Yes?" Effie yelled back from upstairs.

"We need your help!"

"With what?"

"With formal clothing!" Cassie grinned. "3...2...1..."

"Did I hear you say clothing?" Effie said, appearing at the bottom of the stairs faster than you could blink.

"Draco wants me to dress formally in Malfoy Manor," You shrugged.

"Oh my god!" Effie ran towards you, taking your hands in her manicured ones. "I am going to give you the prettiest outfits so you can become the most beautiful girl your boyfriend has ever laid eyes on!"

"Uh thanks?" You smiled nervously as she took your hand and led you upstairs to her room, with Cassie on your tail.

As soon as you entered her princess-like bedroom, Effie began to rummage for clothes in her closet. You and Cassie plopped down on the velvet bench in front of her bed. After what felt like forever, Effie emerged holding a basketful of black clothing.

"Here!" She said triumphantly, placing the basket in front of you.

"That's a lot of clothes-" You started.

"I almost forgot about shoes!" She said, disappearing in her closet again.

Just when you thought you had lost her forever in there, she reappeared with another basket but with heels in it this time.

"You know how to put on makeup right?" She asked.

"I know how to put on mascara," You smiled proudly. She tutted in disappointment.

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