I'm sorry

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A week had passed since you had started dating Draco publicly. It had been everything you wanted and more. You had spent almost every other night with him in your secret room, talking and falling asleep on his chest.

"My father doesn't think Potter will last ten minutes in the second task," You heard Malfoy chat with his friends by the large tree in the courtyard.

"Don't be ridiculous," You said, approaching them. "I don't think he'll last five."

Draco smirked at you looking proud, and embraced you in his arms. You hadn't seen each other since the day before, when you had met him in your secret room.

"Hi," You smiled, you looked up at him, your noses barely touching.

"Hi," He murmured, making butterflies flutter in your stomach.

"Gross," A Slytherin boy who was part of Malfoy's friend group commented, laughing.

"Shut it, Zabini," Draco snapped causing the boy Blaise Zabini to stop his laughter and clear his throat.

"How was your day?" Draco smiled at you, pulling away from the embrace gently.

"I don't know," You said, walking to the tree away from his friends with Draco following you. You leaned with your back on the tree. "Harry, Hermione, and Ron still won't talk to me."

"They don't deserve you," He said facing you and putting a loose strand from your hair behind your ear.

"It just sucks," You said, looking away. "We've been friends since first year and it's different. Maybe I should make up with them-"

"No," Draco said rather quickly, moving your head to face him. "It's their loss for not supporting you."

You raised an eyebrow at him in suspicion.

"It's true," Draco shrugged. You grinned and tip toed to give him a forehead kiss, moving his loose bangs away.

"Come on, we gotta get to potions," You said, checking the time. "We don't wanna be late and get more on Snape's bad side."

Malfoy took your pinky in his and walked with you through the corridors. Students around you stared and whispered but for once you didn't mind. You turned and looked up at Draco's face. He had a smug expression as if he was proud you were his girlfriend. You felt yourself smile as you turned back to face the corridor ahead.

You arrived at the potions class and entered the classroom with Draco's pinky twirled in yours. Students were shuffling to their desks and were chatting with their friends. You took a seat at the table near the back of the classroom and Draco took a seat next to you. You looked around the class and found Harry, Ron, and Hermione seated near the front. Hermione noticed you looking and you quickly looked away. Underneath the table, Draco's hand slipped into yours, caressing it with his thumb reassuringly. You smiled at him and took a deep breath.

"We will be learning about poison antidotes today," Professor Snape announced, making every student in the room fall silent. "The Calming Draught in particular, now can anyone tell me what this potion does?"

Hermione's hand shot straight in the air. Yours followed.

"Pierce," Snape called on you, looking surprised.

"The Draught is used to calm someone down when they suffer a shock, trauma, or an emotional outburst," You explained. When you were younger, your mother had experienced her fellow auror friend get tortured by a Voldemort supporter who had used the Crucio curse. Your father had to brew up a calming draught to calm her down. You were by her side as her panic attack faded when she took the potion.

All I Care About (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now