Told you so

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"Ron," Hermione ran to Ron, who was lying unconscious on a hospital bed.

It was early in the morning and you had just heard that Ron was poisoned and was with Harry in the hospital wing. You and Hermione had run from the Gryffindor common room to see him.

"Harry, what exactly happened?" You asked, as Hermione sat down on a chair beside Ron's bed. You followed and stood beside her. Ginny was sitting in another chair on the other side. Harry was standing rather awkwardly beside Ginny.

"I could ask the same question," You heard a deep voice say, entering the hospital wing.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir," Harry acknowledged the tall man with long white hair and a long white beard. Professor Mcgonagall, Snape, and Slughorn entered with the Headmaster.

"I'm not entirely sure what happened," Harry confessed, glancing at Ron. "Ron just began to choke and foam was in his mouth. And I remembered how to help him."

"Quick thinking on your part, Harry, using the bezoar," Dumbledore praised him and turned to Slughorn. "You must be very proud of your student, Horace."

"Hm? Oh, yes, very proud," Horace said, looking slightly distracted.

"I think we agree, Potter's actions were heroic," Professor Mcgonagall added. "The question is, why were they necessary?"

"Why indeed?" Dumbledore went over to speak to Horace. You turned your attention back to Ron.

"He looks awful," You said, concerned. Hermione watched him with a worried expression.

"Do you really think so?"

"No, of course not," You placed a hand on her shoulder, reassuringly. "He'll be fine."

You couldn't help but notice how she looked at him. Kind of like she was in love with him.

"Hermione-?" You were about to ask her about it when you heard a high pitched voice enter the room.

"Where is he?" Lavender Brown cried, approaching Ron's bed. "Where's my Won-Won? Has he been asking for me?"

You shared an annoyed look with Hermione and Ginny. Lavender stopped crying when she saw Hermione.

"What's she doing here?" Lavender looked at Hermione in disgust.

"I could ask you the same question," Hermione stood from her seat. You tried to hide your smile.

"I happen to be his girlfriend!" Lavender scolded.

"I happen to be his... friend," Hermione whispered.

"Don't make me laugh," Lavender scoffed. "You haven't spoken in weeks. I suppose you want to make up with him now that he's all interesting!"

"He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo," Hermione said in disbelief. You burst out into laughter and quickly tried to cover it up with coughs.

"And for the record I've always found him interesting," Hermione added.

Ron began to make noises, making you jump and look at him.

"Ah, see? He senses my presence," Lavender said, smugly and got closer to Ron. "Don't worry Won-Won, I'm here. I'm here."

Ron began to mumble and Hermione looked at you. You shrugged and tried to listen.

"Uh... Herinee..." He said softly, still unconscious.

"I think he's saying your name," You whispered to Hermione.

"H... Hermione," He mumbled. "Hermione."

Hermione looked at him in disbelief and Lavender gasped. You waved goodbye to her, smiling, and she ran out of the room, sobbing. Hermione sat down on the side of Ron's bed and took his hand in hers. You gave Ginny a knowing look.

"Oh, to be young, and to feel love's keen sting," Dumbledore said. "Well, come away, everybody. Mr. Weasley is well tended."

"Told you so," You whispered to Hermione playfully, before walking away.

"Oh shut up," She scoffed but couldn't stop smiling.

The teachers and headmaster all left the room. As Ginny walked out of the hospital wing, you came up to Harry.

"How did Slughorn get the drink that poisoned Ron?" You asked Harry.

"I don't know, honestly," He confessed. "But it was supposed to go to Professor Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore..." You thought to yourself. Draco. "I gotta get to class. Talk to you later?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure," Harry nodded, as you jogged out of the hospital wing and into the corridors.

You looked around the castle frantically for your boyfriend, until you finally spotted him going up the empty from students stairs.

"Draco!" You called, running to him. He turned around with a frightened look on his face. When he saw that it was you, he was slightly relieved. You breathed heavily, having just run up many fleets of stairs.

"You... Dumbledore... Ron," You blurted.

"Slow down," He held your shoulders.

"Ron is in the hospital wing, do you know why?" You managed to ask. He paled and you frowned. "Because you tried to murder Dumbledore again. And that poison drink, Ron drank it and now he's in the hospital wing in critical condition."

"Dumbledore didn't drink it?" He mumbled, looking worried.

"No, Ron did, and he almost died!" You cried.

"How was I supposed to know he was going to drink it?" Draco exclaimed.

"Draco please," You begged. "You have to be more careful, I don't want any more of my friends to get hurt."

You didn't know it at the time, but at this moment, Harry had just walked by and hid behind a pillar to listen to your conversation.

"It's harder than it looks, okay?" Draco snapped.

"And you don't think it's hard for me too?" You argued. "Don't forget that my parents were killed by Death Eaters. By people like you!"

You saw Draco's broken face and immediately regretted what you had just said.

"I didn't have a choice," Draco whispered.

"I know," You embraced him. "I'm sorry."

He hugged you back for a while until you pulled away and said goodbye. You walked back down the staircase and he went the opposite direction.

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