Be strong

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You woke up on the floor of the cellar.

"Hello," A dreamy voice said beside you. You turned to see Luna sitting there, criss cross applesauce.

"Hi Luna," You sat up to face her. "How did I get here?"

"Draco carried you here this morning," She told you. "You were extremely tired so you didn't even notice. He told me to tell you that you won't be in the cellar for long and he just needs to talk with his parents."

You smiled to yourself, remembering he had proposed last night.

"Does that mean you'll leave?" Luna asked.

"I think so," You told her but then held her hands. "I promise once I'm out, I'll fight for your freedom too. I'm sure Draco will come around because he proposed last night!"

You showed Luna the ring and she gasped, happy for you.

"We're getting married!" You laughed gleefully.

"I knew he still loved you," Luna smiled.

"Yeah, you're always..." You started but stopped, feeling sick and nauseous. You crawled away from Luna and vomited on the floor in the corner.

"Oh goodness," Luna held your hair back, as you finished throwing up. "Are you okay?"

"That's disgusting," You gagged at the vomit on the floor. "Must be food poisoning from all that gross prison food we eat."

"Yeah, prison food..." Luna murmured, thoughtfully.

Before you could ask her what she was thinking, footsteps came down the stairs. You stood up quickly, Luna behind you, and walked to the door.

"You have been invited to join us for dinner later," A short, grubby man who looked like a rat said to you on the opposite side of the bars.

"Me?" You asked.

"Narcissa has asked for you to join her in her quarters to get ready," He said quickly.

"Wait," You said. "I know you. You're Scabbers."

You remembered the time in third year when Sirius had tried to kill him because he had betrayed Lily and James by telling Voldemort their location.

"Harry saved your life," You told him.

"Quiet!" Wormtail shouted, looking unstable. "I must take you to Narcissa now."

Wormtail opened the door of the cellar quickly, with his wand out. He pulled you outside and slammed the door before anyone could escape. Luna was on the opposite side of the bars and smiled at you.

"Bye Luna," You whispered. She waved as Wormtail dragged you up the stairs and through Malfoy Manor.

He took you up the grand staircase, his wand pointed at you, to the bedroom section. You recognized the long hall and before you could walk past Draco's room, Wormtail pulled you into another room. It was slightly brighter than the cellar, the only light coming from the large window. There was a large, elegant bed and the decor all looked expensive. In the middle of the room, stood Narcissa Malfoy with her back to you. Wormtail let go of you and closed the door behind him, trapping you inside with her.

"Ma'am?" You said, standing awkwardly. Narcissa turned around to see you.

"Hello dear," She said with an expression you couldn't read on her face. "Let's get you cleaned up before dinner."

"I'm sorry, I'm confused," You told her. "Dinner?"

She faltered a bit.

"You've been requested to join us for supper," She told you.

All I Care About (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz