Dumbledore's Army is back

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You woke up to Neville's snoring behind you. Morning light poured through the windows and you sat up quietly. You looked beside you to see Neville snoring and sleeping contently. You tried your best not to wake him up as you swung your legs over the bed and stood up. You tip toed, naked, to the bathroom.

As soon as you entered the boys bathroom you closed the door quietly behind you and walked to the shower. You turned it on, letting hot water run onto your body. You sighed, it felt so good. You let it wash your hair and your body.

After a while, you stepped out of the shower and grabbed the nearest towel you could find, praying that it wasn't Seamus's. You dried your hair and walked to the mirror. You gasped at your reflection. You had small, faint bruises on your face from being tortured yesterday. But at least you could move without pain. All thanks to Neville. You thought about him, humming softly to yourself as you walked out the door.

"Good morning," Neville said in his distinct accent. He was already dressed in his Gryffindor robes.

"Morning," You had your towel wrapped around you. He stood up, grinning from ear to ear and kissed you on the cheek. You smiled.

You and Neville made your way to the Great Hall for breakfast after getting ready. As you entered the Great Hall, you took a seat beside Neville at the Gryffindor table. Everyone's eyes turned to look at you.

"So," Ginny spoke first, sipping her drink. "Glad you're feeling better Y/n. Everyone was so worried about you. I'm glad Neville screwed you back together."

You almost spit out your pumpkin juice.

"Careful there," Ginny smirked. "Don't spit. Swallow."

Your eyes widened as you swallowed the pumpkin juice. The Gryffindor students sitting around began to laugh. Neville blushed furiously next to you.

"Yeah, totally feeling better," You said quickly. "I think the herbs Neville brewed really helped."

"I don't think that's the only thing that helped," Seamus said, cheekily.

"Okay, timeout," You said, quieting the laughter coming from around the table. "How many of you know?"

"Who doesn't know?" Parvati replied, trying not to laugh. "You woke the whole common room."

You blushed and Neville shuffled nervously in his seat. Ginny reached over the table, patting your hand.

"It's fine, Y/n," Ginny said, offering you a dazzling smile that made all the boys, including the Chosen One, fall for her. "I am all for you guys being together. I think you would look really cute."

"Oh, uh, we're not together," You said quickly, receiving confused glances from the students.

"We're not?" Neville asked, looking slightly hurt.

"Umm," You looked around helplessly. "We haven't really talked about it yet."

"Then let's talk about it-"

"Later," You finished for him. "Right now, we have more important things to talk about."

"Like what?" Seamus asked.

"Like," You lowered your voice to a whisper, so the teachers and other students wouldn't hear. "We aren't learning what we need to be taught in Defense Against the Dark Arts, now that Amycus Carrow is teaching it. So Neville and I-"

"Y/n came up with it," Neville said. "It's quite brilliant, actually."

"Okay, I think we should start Dumbledore's Army again," You stated, earning gasps and mutters from the students around you.

"We can help Harry over here, by keeping the hope alive," Neville added. "And it doesn't hurt to practice useful spells for the fight we all know is coming."

"That's not a bad idea," Ginny said. Other students around her nodded, agreeing.

"And Neville would lead it of course, now that Harry's gone," You said. No one disagreed making Neville look around confused.

"None of you have a problem with that?" Neville asked.

"Of course not," Parvati said.

"No one else is more capable leading DA than you are, Neville," Ginny added.

"Thanks guys," Neville smiled. "And Y/n would co-lead too."

"Perfect!" Ginny said. "Count me in."

"Yeah me too," Seamus. "It's not like I'm winning any gold stars with the Death Eaters anyway."

"And me," Dean added.

"Me too!" Lavender and Parvati said.

"I'll spread the word," Parvati offered.

"Then it's settled," Neville said, grinning. "Dumbledore's Army is back."

"So, what was that about?" Neville came up to you in the corridors after breakfast.

"What was what about?" You asked him, walking side by side to your next class.

"You know," He looked flustered. "Us not being together?"

"Oh that," You stopped walking and pulled him over to the side of the corridors. "Um..."

"Do you not like me?" He asked, looking hurt.

"Of course I like you," You said. "I wouldn't have had sex with you if I didn't. It's just... I'm not ready for a new relationship."

"Oh," Neville looked crestfallen. "Is it because you're still in love with Malfoy?"

"No, of course not," You tried to convince yourself you were telling the truth. "I just need more time to fully move on from him before I start dating again."

"Okay, I understand," Neville nodded and looked at you. "Then what are we exactly?"

"I'm not sure," You shrugged. "I still want to fuck you."

Neville gulped nervously and you kissed him briefly, shoving your tongue in his mouth.

"We're still having that DA meeting at lunch, right?" You said, as he stood there, processing what had happened.

"Uh, yeah," He stammered, running his hand through his hair.

"Great! See you there!" You walked away, leaving him standing there, flustered.

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