What a complete failure

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"Muggle born wizards are inferior to pure bloods," Alecto Carrow taught at the front of the Muggle Studies classroom.

It was the first Muggle Studies class you had had since you had first arrived at Hogwarts two days ago. This subject was required to be taught and ever since the original Muggle Studies teacher, Professor Burbage, had been murdered by Voldemort, a Death Eater had to replace her.

"Muggle born wizards and witches don't deserve learning magic," She continued in a harsh voice. She was chubby and extremely pale. Her hair was pulled back tightly. "It is a disgrace to the wizarding world. Especially when pureblooded wizards mingle with muggle born ones. It creates deformity in children and disgrace to their bloodline."

You glared at Alecto. Your mother was a muggle born witch and your father was a pureblood wizard. You didn't have any deformities.

"Excuse me, ma'am," You said as politely as you could. "The facts you present aren't entirely reliable. I know plenty witches and wizards who are half bloods and don't have deformities."

"Oh, do you?" Alecto turned and stared daggers at you.

"Yes," You continued, not faltering. "And you know what's interesting? One of the smartest witches in our year is muggle born."

"And she is a disgrace to the name of wizard," Alecto snapped.

"No," You argued. "I have a different opinion on what disgraces the wizarding name."

You felt everyone tense around you and you spotted Neville looking at you from his seat next to you. He was shaking his head frantically, trying to get you to stop. But you couldn't push down the resentment you had for the teacher.

"And what's your opinion, then?" Alecto asked, threateningly.

"Stalebloods," You said, loudly. Alecto gasped and took out her wand.

"CRUCIO!" She shrieked and you flew backwards from your seat and onto the floor. felt pain like you had never experienced before in your life. Your head felt like it was splitting open and your skin was on fire. You screamed, thrashing against the ground. You wanted it to end. You wanted to die.

"Stop it!" Neville yelled. Alecto didn't stop. "Punish me instead!"

The pain quickly stopped and you breathed heavily against the floor.

"Oh?" Alecto turned to Neville, amused. "How heroic... Crucio!"

You sat up, feeling your head ache and saw Neville writhing on the ground next to you.

"Neville!" You gasped, and before you could think, you took out your wand and pointed it at the teacher. "Stupefy!"

Alecto flew backwards, crashing into the blackboard.

"Neville," You croaked and crawled over to him. He leaned on his arm to face you.

"What did you do?" He said, looking at the teacher who was getting up from the ground.

"You," Alecto Carrow hissed and pointed at you. "Come with me."

She took your wand and dragged you out of the room with her wand pointed at your throat. She walked you through the corridors and into the empty Defense Against the Dark Arts room. From there, she pulled you towards the office. You fought against her as she opened the door.

"Oh? What's this?" Alecto's brother Amycus Carrow asked, from his desk. He was a lot skinner than his sister but his skin was pale and gaunt like hers. He had taken over the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher position.

"A student causing trouble," Alecto said, looking evil. "She is in need of harsher punishment."

"You know how much I look forward to that," Amycus said. "But I am currently meeting with another student about his achievements."

"No, please, don't let me stop you," You heard a familiar voice say from the corner of the office. You turned to see the one person you were dreading to see. Blaise. Fear crept up your spine and you felt the blood leave your face.

"I suppose a quick torture won't hurt," Amycus shrugged as Alecto strapped you down onto a chair.

"Incarcerous!" Alecto said, causing rope to bind your hands to the arms of the chair and your ankles to the legs on the chair. You tried to move but couldn't. Blaise was watching you with lust and amusement from the corner of the room.

"I know you from somewhere," Amycus said, leaning down to look at your face. You looked at him in the eyes, challenging him.

"She's Draco's girlfriend," Blaise muttered from the corner of the room.

"Oh? Oh! I remember!" Amycus exclaimed. "You were the one who tried to make Draco stay after he failed to kill Dumbledore."

"Yes!" Alecto agreed. "She's the girl who kissed him before he left!"

"Draco Malfoy," Amycus muttered. "What a complete failure."

"He's not a failure!" You snapped.

"He left you," Amycus touched your chin with his thumb. "Didn't he?"

You snapped and bit his finger, hard. He flinched and pulled his hand back quickly.

"Oops," You smirked.

"See what I mean?" Alecto said, taking out her wand. "Crucio!"

You writhed in pain as the curse hit you. You screamed and felt sharp throbs around your body, making you feel like you were being cracked open. After what felt like hours, the pain faded from your body.

"Sorry yet?" Amycus asked, evilly.

"Never," You managed to say.

"Fine then," Alecto brought her wand up again and you braced yourself for the worst.

"Excuse me," Blaise said politely, stopping them. He strided up to the siblings. "If you don't mind, may I? I want to become a Death Eater and I would love to practice."

He met your eyes and you gulped the feeling of dread down your throat.

"Of course," Amycus pushed him closer to you. "Anything for the star student, head boy."

Blaise looked at you menacingly.

"I told you, Draco isn't here to protect you anymore," He hissed.

"Please, Blaise," You begged and turned to the professors. "I'm sorry, okay? I learned my lesson."

"I don't know," Alecto said, fake thoughtfully. "I feel like you haven't yet. Maybe one more round of torture will do."

"Yes," Amycus agreed and you felt fear almost stop your heart.

Blaise watched you with an evil glint in his eye. You remembered the times when he had choked you and fucked you relentlessly. Calling you a slut and a filthy half blood. You couldn't feel yourself breathe and you gasped.

"Crucio!" Blaise yelled and pain bursted through you.

You screamed louder than before, writhing harder against the ropes binding you. Tears ran down your cheeks but you couldn't feel them. You were numb from the searing pain in your body. You felt a hand collide with your cheek. Blaise's hand. You felt your consciousness begin to slip away. All that was left was pain. You couldn't stop replaying Blaise choking you. After what felt like forever, the pain stopped. You gasped for air and blacked out, the last thing you saw being Blaise's sadistic face.

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