Nice underwear

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 You woke up in your bed in the girl's dormitory. The morning sun was pouring the windows and you felt numb.

"Oh thank goodness," Ginny said, sitting in a chair beside your bed. She stood up and put her hand on your cheek.

"What happened?" You asked and tried to sit up. Pain filled your arm and your head ached, making you collapse back on the bed.

"Don't move," Ginny placed her hand on you, keeping you in a lying position. "You just got fixed up."

You notice you weren't wearing a shirt, leaving you in a bra.

"Don't worry," Ginny smiled. "I made sure the other boys stayed out, especially Seamus."

You looked at your arm. There was a long, thin, white scar from the top of your shoulder the middle of your lower forearm.

"How-?" You asked.

"Madame Pomfrey," Ginny told you. "We found you in the Hospital Wing. Madame Pomfrey had to take care of you quickly, before the Carrows' found you. Then we took you back to here to rest and recover."

"Who brought me to the hospital wing?" You said, confused.

"I don't know, why?"

"The last thing I remember before passing out is being carried, and seeing Neville..." You looked around frantically. "Where is he? Is he alright?"

Ginny avoided your eyes.

"Ginny, where is he?" You cried.

"He's not as bad as you think," She tried to say. "He's in the boy's dormitory-"

You sat up on your good arm quickly, ignoring the pain in your head.

"Y/n, please don't-"

"I have to see him," You demanded, stood up from the bed, wobbling slightly. Ginny wrapped her arm around your side, supporting you.

"Okay," Ginny said. "Let's just have you put clothes on first."

You glanced down at your bra and blushed.

"Right," You nodded as Ginny grabbed a random shirt, which happened to be a loose oversized t-shirt. She helped you put it over your head.

"Okay let's go," You shuffled to the door.

"Pants?" Ginny gestured to your bare legs.

"This covers enough, it's fine," You said, gesturing to the shirt that barely covered your ass.

"Um-" She leaned over, peeking at your lace underwear, playfully. You pulled your shirt down.

"Please Ginny, I have to see him now." You whined.

"Fine, fine," Ginny shrugged. "But don't blame me if you catch Seamus peeking up your shirt."

You rolled your eyes as she helped you out the door and to the boy's dormitory. As you walked through the door, you saw Seamus and Dean sitting on chairs beside Neville's bed. Your eyes spotted Neville lying with his chest on the bed. He had bandages all over his back and you could see blood stains on them. The side of his face was on his pillow and he looked awake.

"Neville!" You cried and ran to his side. He watched you as you smoothed his hair with your fingers, comfortingly. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, this was all my fault, I-"

You felt a tear roll down your cheek.

"Stop it," He said softly. "It wasn't your fault. It was my decision."


"And I'm feeling a lot better now," Neville continued.

"It's true," Dean said behind you. "We've given him enough painkillers to numb a hippogriff. And he stopped bleeding a while ago."

All I Care About (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now