Expecto Patronum!

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"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember," Harry said, walking around the students. "Allow it to fill you up."

You were standing next to Ginny in the Room of Requirement. It was Dumbledore's Army practice and you were learning how to produce a patronus, a spell to keep dementors away.

"Happiest memory, huh?" You said to Ginny.

"I guess so," She shrugged. "What's yours?"

"I'm not sure," You said.

"I think I've got one," Ginny said and flicked her wand. "Expecto Patronum!"

A bright light flew from her wand and took form in a silvery horse, galloping around the room.

"Fantastic, Ginny!" Harry exclaimed making Ginny blush.

"Well? You try," She encouraged you.

"Okay," You closed your eyes and thought of a happy memory. You thought of when Hermione, Harry, and Ron forgave you for going out with Draco. "Expecto Patronum!"

A small silver light emerged from your wand but faded like mist.

"It's okay," Ginny patted you on the back. "Just think of a happier one."

"Okay," You murmured, slightly embarrassed. You were usually the best in the class at these sort of things.

You closed your eyes and a blond boy slipped into your mind. You thought of Draco and all the happy times you spent with him. When you and him danced, when he left Malfoy Manor for you, when you hit each other with snowballs. One memory stood out however. The memory when he told you he loved you. When he had told you to visit him at Malfoy Manor even if his father wouldn't approve because he loved you.

You smiled, thinking about it. And with that in mind, you drew your wand and shouted, "Expecto Patronum!"

An extremely bright silvery light flew from your wand, making everyone turn to look at it. Your patronus in form of a large dragon flew around the cathedral like room, breathing silvery fire mist. It's majestic wings danced in the air. Everyone gasped and looked at it in fear and awe. You laughed as it flew around you.

"That is outstanding, Y/n!" Harry praised you with wide eyes. You beamed as your dragon began to fade after a while.

"Why do you think your patronus is a dragon?" Ginny asked, interested.

"I'm not sure," You confessed.

"Well, what memory did you think of?" Ginny asked. Hermione came up to you and joined the conversation.

"I thought of Draco," You smiled. "I don't understand how that could have made my patronus a dragon though."

"Well, isn't it obvious?" Hermione stated. "The form of the Patronus may transform due to bereavement, falling in love or profound shifts in a person's character. And the name Draco is derived from the Latin word serpent or dragon."

"So, my patronus is a dragon because the name Draco comes from a dragon, and I'm in love with him." You finished.

"Exactly," Hermione smiled. You laughed and felt an immediate rush of happiness.

"Aww, that's so romantic!" Parvati Patil sighed, overhearing the conversation.

Suddenly, the room began to shake and the light flickered. The chandelier in the middle of the room shook and dust and small pieces debris fell from the ceiling.

"What's going on?" You asked, looking around frantically, as the room kept shaking.

Harry walked towards a certain wall and the rest of the students followed, with their wands out. You pushed through the crowd of students and walked towards the wall with Harry right behind you. A tiny hole began to form in the middle of the wall. You peeked through and saw a short pink clothed woman with her wand out on the other side.

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