You're so dead

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Draco held your gloved pinky while you walked around Hogsmeade. The white snow crunched slightly when you stepped on it. Students were hanging out and chatting together around Hogsmeade.

"Butterbeer?" Draco asked as you walked by the Three Broomsticks.

"Sure let's go inside, I'm freezing!" You laughed. He opened the door for you and you entered the warm pub. "I'm gonna go find a table for us okay?"

"I'll get the butterbeers," He said. "And pumpkin pasties, I know they're your favorite."

He winked as you beamed and he walked over to the bartender. You spotted a booth on the side and took off your scarf and placed it on the seat. You were taking off your coat when Harry slid up next to you.

"Hi Harry," You smiled nervously as he began to fidget with his hands. "What's up-"

He interrupted you with a quick kiss. You stepped back and pulled away.

"Harry," You muttered. "I'm dating Draco. That kiss I gave you, it was a mistake. I'm sorry."

"Hey Y/n," Draco came up to you, ignoring Harry and placed the butterbeers on the table. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him and melted his lips into yours. He placed his hands on your ass and squeezed them.

"Draco..." You pulled away blushing and looking at Harry's horrified and embarrassed face.

"What?" He turned around to see Harry. "Oh hello Potter. Didn't see you there, was I interrupting something?"

"No," Harry said quickly and walked away. Draco smirked and slid into a seat at one side of the booth. You sat on the same side, placing your coat on the opposite seat.

"You knew he was behind you right?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Me? Of course not," He smirked. "Do I really need a reason to kiss my girlfriend?"

"No," You smiled. And leaned over to give him a quick kiss on the head.

"I was thinking of joining Dumbledore's Army," You said, after taking a sip of butterbeer. "Umbridge doesn't even teach us anything about defensive spells or anything about Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"Doesn't Harry teach in Dumbledore's Army?" Draco raised an eyebrow, sipping his butterbeer.

"Yes," You said slowly. "But I'm not interested in him."

"True," He shrugged. "I heard what you said to him after he kissed you."

"Wait," You grinned. "You told me you didn't see him there."

"Oh right I didn't," He winked. You laughed.

"Anyway, I feel like that club thing would be good for my future career of an Auror," You explained. Draco choked on his drink.

"Are you ok?" You asked suspiciously. He coughed and held a thumbs up. "I feel like every single time I bring that up, you or your family get super weird and secretive."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Draco regained his composure.

"Okay," You narrowed your eyes. "So I was thinking you could join Dumbledore's Army too..."

"Oh please," He rolled his eyes. "And how do you think your friends would feel about that?"


"Exactly," He shrugged. "I don't think I will. You have fun though."

He took a sip of his butterbeer and avoided your eyes.

"Dray..." You reached your hand over to touch his.

"Where do you want to go after this?" He changed the subject.

"We already went to Honeydukes," You went with it. "We could go to the Shrieking Shack?"

"Sounds good," He smiled. "Hurry up with the butterbeer."

He nodded to your almost full cup and you took another sip.

After a few minutes, you finally drained the cup.

"There," You smiled. "Let's go!"

"Not so fast," He pulled you closer. "You have a little leftover butterbeer on your lip."

You reached up to wipe it away but he stopped you.

"Let me help," He grinned and leaned into you, kissing the butterbeer of your lip. You laughed into his mouth. "Now you're ready."

You walked in the snow with his pinky in yours until you reached the Shrieking Shack.

"It honestly isn't much to look at," He squinted.

"What are you talking about?" You said. "It's so cool!"


"Malfoy!" You heard Blaise Zabini call behind you. Draco turned around and saw him walking up to him, smiling, with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Hey Zabini," You grinned at him. "Where's Pansy?"

"Oh she didn't want to come," He shrugged.

"I never thanked you by the way," You said.

"For what?" He asked.

"For not telling Draco I slipped the love potion antidote into his drink," You replied.

"Yeah anytime," Blaise smirked. He turned to Draco and began to talk to him. Without Draco seeing, you silently and slowly reached down and grabbed some snow, making a ball shape.

"Yeah we-" Draco started but was interrupted by you throwing your snowball at his back. He turned around and smiled evilly. "You're so dead."

You screamed, laughing and ran to the opposite side, grabbing snow in your gloved hands. You felt a snowball crash into your coat and you turned to find Draco standing triumphantly. You threw the snow that was in your hands at him and he gasped. He ran after you and you tried to run but he crashed into you, knocking you onto the soft ground. He was on top of you and you were laughing so hard, gasping for breath. The deep look in his eyes silenced you and he reached down and pressed his lips on yours. You kissed him back as Zabini whooped in the background.

"Shut it Zabini!" You shouted playfully and resumed your makeout session.

"We're gonna leave you guys be," Blaise laughed and walked away with Crabbe and Goyle. Draco didn't notice and continued to kiss you. Silently, you reached down into the snow and crashed it into Draco's hair. You laughed hysterically as he groaned.

All I Care About (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now