Underestimated your opponent

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You said goodbye to your friends as they left Hogwarts to go home for winter break. You made your way through the almost empty corridors. Students almost always left Hogwarts to go back home for Christmas, so most of the people in the corridors were ghosts. You wrote to your sister telling her you couldn't visit her because you were extremely busy. You didn't tell her the real reason which was to find out what Draco was up to, but she wrote back anyways telling you it was fine.

"Malfoy!" You called as you spotted a blond boy walking in the corridors. He turned around and you caught up to him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, as you walked together. "Why aren't you on the train home?"

"Oh, my sister isn't home," You lied. "She's doing work stuff out of the country, and I don't really have anyone else to spend Christmas with."

"Me neither," He told you, looking down. "I don't want to go back to Malfoy Manor."

"Guess we'll have to spend it together," You linked his arm in yours and smiled.

He looked at you, confused.

"What?" You smirked. "We can still be friends, right?"

"Of course, yeah," He said quickly.

"So, where are you headed?" You asked him as you passed ghosts in the hallways.

"I... don't know," He said.

"Perfect," You smiled. "You can come with me to the Gryffindor common room. I need someone to play wizard chess with."

You entered the Fat Lady Portrait with Draco behind you and you sat down on the couch beside the fireplace, with a chess table in the center. He sat down on the couch on the opposite side of the table.

"So," You said, taking off your coat and scarf. You were wearing your Gryffindor sweater and jeans. "Do you know how to play chess?"

"Yeah," He shrugged, looking slightly depressed. Since the start of the year, he had always looked depressed and miserable.

"Ok great!" You grinned. You set up the chess board with Draco and began to play.

"Castle to E4," You said and the castle piece moved by itself to another checkered spot on the board.

"Knight to E5," Draco said, and his knight moved closer to your castle.

"That was a stupid move," You shook your head smiling. "Queen to E5."

The queen piece moved to Draco's knight and destroyed it with it's sword. You smirked at Draco but he didn't falter.

"Was it?" He looked mischievous. "Castle to E5."

"You wouldn't dare," You gasped as his castle piece destroyed your queen piece. "No! That was my best player!"

"Guess you made a stupid move," He mocked you. You punched his shoulder and he laughed. You faltered a bit. You hadn't realized how much you had missed his laugh.

You and Draco played chess for a while until he managed to win by destroying your king piece.

"How did you do that?" You groaned as he chuckled. "I literally always beat Harry, Ron, and Hermione at this... well maybe not Ron, but you know what I mean."

"I guess you shouldn't have underestimated your opponent," Draco smirked for the first time in a long time. It reminded you of the times when you were both younger and didn't know as much as you do now.

"I guess not," You leaned back in your chair. "We should head down for Christmas Eve dinner soon."

"Yeah," He said. As you watched each other, you saw his smile falter as he realized something.

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