That's barking mad

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You woke up in the infirmary. Golden light poured through the windows and you looked around. The beds around you were empty except for the one beside you. Draco was sleeping on the bed next to yours. He looked so peaceful and his hair was slightly messed up. You remembered the times when he had braided your hair at night and woken up beside you.

You sat up and moved your legs over the side of the bed, letting your feet touch the cold ground. As quietly as you could, you began to tip toe to the Gryffindor common room. You had tiptoed two steps, when you heard rustling from Draco's bed.

"Good morning," You smiled nervously as Draco's eyes opened and spotted you.

"What are you doing up?" He sat up quickly and swung his legs over the bed to a standing position. "You should be resting."

"And you should be in your Slytherin dorm," You put your hands on your hips. "Why did you stay here?"

"You still have marks on your neck," He pointed, ignoring you.

"Shocker," You faked looking surprised. "It honestly doesn't hurt. I promise I'm fine, Dray."

He froze as you realized what you had called him.

"Um, I mean-" You started, panicking, and looking around.

"It's fine," He looked at you reassuringly, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Okay," You smiled apologetically.

You stared into his icy grey eyes and memories flooded back. As much as you tried to deny it, you missed him. How he always loved it when you called him Dray, how he tried to hide his feelings, how he held your pinky, how he knew your favorite food, your snowball fights, how his lips fit perfectly on yours...

He cleared his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts. You realized how close you had gotten to him.

"Sorry," You felt your cheeks redden. "I'm gonna go get ready for the day, if that's alright with you."

"I'll see you later then, Pierce," He avoided your eyes. You walked out of the room awkwardly, and made your way to the Fat Lady Portrait.

"Banana Fritters," You told her and the portrait swung open, revealing Hermione on the couch reading. As you entered the Gryffindor common room, the portrait closed behind you. She looked up spotting you, and a her expression changed to a mixture of relief and sadness, as she ran towards you.

"Y/n!" She opened her arms to embrace you, and you jumped, backing away. You didn't mean to, it just felt like an instinct. She looked horrified and sad. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-"

"No it's okay," You got closer. "I just need more time, I think."

"I understand," She smiled sadly. You felt bad so you opened your arms, slowly and embraced her. She carefully wrapped her arms around you and you took a deep breath, burying your face in her shoulder.

"It's going to be okay," She said reassuringly, making shapes on your back with her fingers. You felt comforted and safe. You pulled away, smiling at her. She smiled back.

"Thank you," You kissed her forehead. "I needed that."

"I love you so much, Y/n," She caressed your hair, comfortingly. "I'll always be here."

"I love you too," You said.

After changing into your Gryffindor robes and getting ready, you looked in the mirror. You looked relaxed after sleeping in the hospital wing. You looked a little pale and unhealthy because you hadn't eaten anything at all yesterday. And the bruise on your neck was fading but was still there. The good thing was that it didn't hurt when you swallowed or talked.

You walked to the Great Hall, through the corridors, with Hermione. Students passed you and looked at your neck quite a lot, but you ignored them. Hermione was holding your hand and you felt happy and safe with her beside you.

"Hey guys," You said as you sat down with Hermione on one side of the table in the Great Hall. Harry and Ron were already seated on the other side.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked, worriedly.

"Better," You told him. "Honestly."

"That's brilliant!" He grinned.

"I heard what happened," Ron said, looking at you sadly. "I'm so sorry, Y/n. If I had gotten to see that bloke before he left I would have-"

"Blaise left?" You asked.

"He got expelled," Hermione told you, caressing your hand. You sighed in relief, but couldn't help feeling guilty.

"It's not your fault, remember?" Hermione looked in your eyes, sternly. You nodded.

"Did you sleep well in the hospital wing?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," You told him, remembering Draco had stayed the night. "Draco stayed too and slept in the bed next to me. I have no idea why."

"I might have a slight idea," Hermione smiled, looking at her food.

"No, it's not like that," You told her. "He honestly didn't want anything to do with me and that's fine. I don't need him."

"Good for you," Harry said, encouragingly. His face turned serious. "I think something's up with Malfoy though. Last night, when Snape pulled him off Blaise, Snape took Malfoy into the corridors. I followed them and Snape said he swore to protect him. He said he swore the unbreakable vow."

"The unbreakable vow, are you sure that's what Snape said?" Ron asked, looking confused.

"Positive. Why?" Harry said.

"Well, it's just that you can't break an unbreakable vow," Ron said.

"I'd worked that much out for myself, funnily enough," Harry said plainly.

"And then what happened?" You asked.

"Then Malfoy said he was chosen for something," Harry continued. "And after that, he said he won't fail him."

"Him?" You were confused.

"Voldemort," Harry clarified.

"Oh please Harry," Hermione scolded. "You don't even know if that's who he meant."

"It could be," Harry defended. "Look, his father is a Death Eater, it only makes sense."

"Harry-" Hermione protested.

"Wait, he could be right," You agreed. "Draco has been acting strange, not like himself. The fact that he's a Death Eater could explain why he broke up with me."

"Exactly," Harry agreed. "You and Malfoy loved each other, right? He wouldn't just end things without a reason. He probably thought, by breaking up with you, he would protect you from all the shady stuff he's doing as a Death Eater."

You looked over at the Slytherin table and found Malfoy looking off into the distance, depressingly. He caught your eye and you quickly looked away.

"I'll stay at Hogwarts for winter break," You told your friends. "That way I can find out more about Draco with less people around."

"Brilliant," Harry agreed.

"That's barking mad," Ron whispered.

"I agree," Hermione said. "You can't just-"

"Hermione," You took her hand. "It's been decided. If he isn't one then great! But if I find that he is, it would explain everything and maybe I could get insider info on what's going on with the Death Eaters and You-know-who."

Harry nodded.

"Fine," Hermione sighed. "But please be careful."

"I know him, Hermione," You smirked. "What's the worse that could happen?"

All I Care About (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now