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You arrived at the Department of Mysteries with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna. Harry explained on the way that he had seen a vision of his godfather Sirius being held captive by Voldemort and he needed to rescue him. You didn't know Sirius but you would always be there for Harry and your friends. You arrived to the Ministry of Magic on thestrals. Even though your parents had died, you couldn't see the thestrals because you hadn't seen your mother or father die.

"This is it," Harry said, as you reached the door to the Department of Mysteries. He opened the door and you followed him along with your other friends. You entered the dark room with your wand shining a light, along with the others. Crystal balls lined the shelves on either side of you. You followed Harry slowly down the aisle.

"He should be right here," Harry announced, looking at a specific spot in the middle of the aisle.

"Harry," Neville said quietly, pointing to a swirling orb. "It's got your name on it."

Harry reached over and picked it up in his hand.

"The one with the power of the Dark Lord approaches," A raspy voice coming from the ball said. You looked at Hermione nervously but she didn't take her eyes off Harry. "And the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal, but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows not. For neither can live while the other survives."

You turned around and saw a figure in a mask standing not far behind you. Hermione saw it too and yelled, "Harry!"

Harry walked to stand in front of you and your friends, with his wand out in front of him. The figure began to approach slowly and you held your wand out as well.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry demanded.

"You know you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams," The figure said in a familiar voice. "And reality."

He removed his mask to reveal his long blond hair and smug expression. Lucius. His eyes landed on you for a moment before continuing.

"You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see," Lucius said. "Now hand me the prophesy."

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it." Harry warned.

An ear piercing laugh sounded behind Lucius and Bellatrix Lestrange came into view. You saw Neville freeze beside you.

"He knows how to play," She mocked. "Itty, bitty, baby. Potter."

"Bellatrix Lestrange," Neville breathed out.

"Neville Longbottom is it?" She smiled maliciously. "How's mum and dad?"

"Better now that they're about to be avenged," He stepped forward but you jumped in front of him, stopping him. Bellatrix noticed and grinned.

"So this must be Y/n Pierce," Bellatrix asked Lucius. He nodded grimly. She let out a cackle. "Draco's girlfriend?"

"Don't bring him into this," You warned.

"Would you look at that? Are you both in love?" She mocked.

"Shut up!" You yelled, silencing Bellatrix's laughter. She looked at you in disbelief.

"Such a pity that you're fighting on the wrong side," Lucius smiled smugly at you. "I was just beginning to like you."

Death Eaters began to surround you.

"Now!" Harry yelled.

"Stupefy!" You shouted and aimed for Lucius. Him and Bellatrix vanished before the spell could reach them. Before you could find them, Hermione grabbed your arm and you and your friends ran through the shelves of orbs. Death Eaters began to appear around you and you separated from your group to run into a different aisle.

You hadn't gotten far when a figure appeared in front of you in a black cloud of smoke. He swiftly hit your face and you fell back. You turned to look at him and gasped. It was your sister's boyfriend Curtis. He was a Death Eater. He looked at you, realizing who you were and you took the chance to raise your wand.

"Levicorpus!" You shouted, remembering how Draco used that spell on the Hufflepuff boy who groped you. Curtis flew into the air and you quickly stood up again and ran through the shelves until you bumped into your friends.

You and your friends looked around for Death Eaters to fight and saw a black cloud of smoke headed your way.

"Reducto!" Ginny yelled and a bright light flew from her wand and obliviated the Death Eater. You were about to praise her when the orbs from the shelves began to tumble down, heading for your direction.

"Get back to the door!" Harry yelled and you ran as fast as your legs could carry you, trying not to think about the crashing behind you. You reached the door first, opened it, and fell through it onto the ground below. The rest of your friends came tumbling out after you.

"Department of Mysteries," Ron said as you all stood up. "Got that bit right didn't they?"

Harry ignored him and began to walk towards an arch with swirling visions in it.

"What is it Harry?" You asked.

"The voices," He continued walking. "Can you tell what they're saying?"

"What voices?" You asked confused. You couldn't hear anything.

"There aren't any voices Harry," Hermione added. "Let's get out of here."

"I hear them too," Luna whispered, following Harry.

Suddenly, you heard swirling coming from above and saw black clouds of smoke zooming around you.

"Get behind me!" Harry yelled and you ran behind him with your wand out. The black swirls flew around you and you felt arms grab you violently and take you in a cloud of smoke. Your vision cleared as the black swirls faded away and you found yourself being held tightly with a wand pointed at your neck by Bellatrix Lestrange. You fought against her grasp but she only dug the wand harder into your neck. You looked around and saw your friends in the same position, except for Harry. He was in the center with the prophecy orb still in his hand.

"Did you actually believe, or were you truly naive to think, that children stood a chance against us?" Lucius said, approaching Harry. "I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the Prophecy now... or watch your friends die."

"Don't give it to him Harry!" You shouted and gagged when Bellatrix dug her wand harder into your throat.

"Shh! I know Draco wouldn't want me to kill you now would he, pretty?" She giggled into your ear. "If you really loved him you'd join us."

You were processing what she had said, when bright flashes danced in front of your eyes.

"Get away from my godson," Sirius Black said, and punched Lucius making him drop the prophecy as it shattered on the ground. Bellatrix disappeared into a cloud of smoke behind you as a woman with purple hair aimed a spell at her.

"Epic," You breathed in awe, as Aurors apparated around you in a white cloud of smoke.

"Come on!" The woman with purple hair grabbed your arm and pulled you behind a rock, beside Hermione.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked you, checking you for wounds. You winced in pain when her hand grazed your neck. "Oh my, you have a red mark."

You touched it and felt a slight dent in your neck.

"Okay you two, take this portkey," The purple haired woman said, holding out a chess piece. You and Hermione took it and immediately left the ground, flying forward in a whirlwind of color and sound. Your surroundings focused as you landed back at Hogwarts.

All I Care About (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora