Ready gang?

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WARNING: This chapter contains blood and injury! It also contains abuse and may cause TW!

"Er... I wasn't expecting this many of you," Neville shifted nervously.

You were both standing at the front of the Room of Requirement, talking to the many students who had decided to join Dumbledore's Army. Parvati really got the word around well. Around fifteen of the original thirty DA members were still at Hogwarts but looking around, there were easily three times as many students. A lot of them you didn't know. Some were even first or second years.

"There's quite a lot of you... not that that's bad... uh... I just thought... well..." Neville continued and looked at you. You gave him an encouraging look. He took a deep breath.

"I'm guessing we are all here because we believe in Harry," He said. "And that Voldemort's regime has to end. Everyone knows how Hermione used jinxes to make sure no one would rat us out. I'm not going to do that. If the teachers find out we started this, we won't have to worry about being expelled. I'm not lying when I say they would kill us or at best send us to Azkaban. And I know nobody wants that on their conscience."

Everyone shook their heads, agreeing with him.

"This isn't a game anymore," He continued. "This is war. People might die and I know I would want to go, fighting for what I believe in."

Murmurs of agreement filled the room and you beamed proudly at Neville.

"Alright, we'll need student representatives from each house," He said, looking more confident. "Luna will represent Ravenclaw."

"No offense but," Michael Corner, a Ravenclaw, said, gesturing to Luna as if what he was saying was obvious. You knew him from when he was hooking up with Ginny for a short time, two years ago. He was a dick.

"Is there a problem, Corner?" You asked, hands on hips.

"Well... don't make me say it, isn't it obvious?" He said, eyeing Luna.

"Obvious that she's the most qualified Ravenclaw for the job?" You challenged. "How many Death Eaters have you fought? Oh right, none. Luna's fought off a dozen of them. Twice."

"Looney?" Michael looked at her in disbelief.

"Her name is Luna," You said firmly.

"Sorry, Luna," Michael tried looking small.

"It's quite alright," Luna said with a dreamy look. "I'll be happy to represent Ravenclaw. If I might add, my father is the editor of the Quibbler, so if there's anything we need to tell the public, I'll find a way to get it in."

"Fantastic," Neville grinned ear to ear. "And Ernie will take Hufflepuff."

"Gladly," Ernie Mcmillan beamed. No one seemed to disagree.

"And Ginny will take Gryffindor," Neville continued. "She has connections to the order as well."

Murmurs of agreement filled the room.

"Then it's all settled," He said. "So-"

A loud crack interrupted Neville's words, and a small creature apparated into the room.

"Dobby?" You smiled.

"Miss Pierce," He said as you walked up to him and embraced his tiny body, greeting an old friend.

"I haven't seen you in forever," You said, pulling away to look at the small house elf. He was wearing so many clothes including one of Ron's maroon Christmas sweater. The last time you had seen him, he was wearing merely a pillowcase. "What are you doing here?"

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