Part 33: Kiss Cam

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Sarawat POV

Since the incident with P'June, I never let Tine alone.

As much as possible, I tried to be closer with him. I need to ensure that he is safe. But, I understood. Tine still wanted to make a space with me.

He didn't show that he was mad at me or talking with sharp words. But, I realized that he still wanted to avoid me. He said 'no' more often than before.

So that, I didn't want to force him. But, if he is thinking that I surrender, he must be wrong. I will never let him go from my hand. I promised to myself.

My class has just finished.

I planned for going to meet Tine. Getting lunch with him must be advantageous. It has been so long for not eating together with that little food monster. So that, I left my class in hurry. I didn't want to miss my chance. But, when I reached my car, I realized that someone was waiting for me. She turned her face.


She came to my university.

"Sarawat", she called for me.

I just looked at her surprisingly.

"I called for you, but you never pick my call"

"I am busy"

"But, this time, you are free, right?", she became so clingy.

Pam hold my arm tightly.

"Let's have lunch with me, na....."

I tried to lose her grip on my arm.

"Why?", she asked me.

"I can't"

"But, why?", she raised her voice.

"I need to get lunch with Tine", I told her clearly. I didn't want to hide anything. I didn't need to.

Her face reddened.

"He has so many chance to have lunch with you", she told me on my face. "Now, I beg to you to have lunch with me. Tomorrow I will be back to Bangkok"

I didn't say any words. I really didn't need to.

"You are controlled by Tine", she shouted at me.

I just nodded.

"You are being fooled, he made you as his slave"

I nodded again.

"Open your eyes, Sarawat", she shook my body. Pam was controlled by her emotion.

"Calm down", I told her.

A lot of eyes looked at her.

"Why?", she asked me. "Do you think that I am crazy?"

I shook my head.

"Tine must be telling you that I am a devil", Pam asked me with higher tone. I didn't give any word. "Tine must be talking shit about me in front of you, right?"

"No", I told her as I couldn't hold it anymore. I couldn't let her talking about Tine badly. "He never talks that"


"He told me that you are good girl"

"You are lying, Sarawat"

"I am not", I replied her. "He ensured me that you are still good girl from my high school. But, you just show me your other side"

She turned to be quiet.

"Tine also gave me money to repair your phone. Should we repair your phone?"

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