Two days before goodbye | Cain and Audrina

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Two days before goodbye

The day after the tragedy was blurry, the one thing Cain Woodsen knew was that it was filled with sorrow. Then came regret.

Forty-eight hours. If Cain only knew he had forty-hours left with her, he would've held her hand tighter when she accidentally tripped while running, he would've answered every question she asked about their homework, he would've held her gaze longer when she smiled as she thanked him, he wouldn't have let her go when she hugged him goodbye.

Twenty-four hours. If Cain only knew he had twenty-four hours to be with her, he would've told her about everything he loved about her, he would've laid all his cards down, he would've risked it all. For her. He would've done everything for her.

He would've told her that everything is going to be okay.

Cain held the red rose tightly, the thorns pricked his skin until blood came out. He didn't know what day it was. He didn't know what time was. All he knew is that he doesn't like this feeling. He doesn't like feeling regret, because that meant he accepted what happened. And he could never ever accept what happened to Audrina. He mustered up the courage to look at her grave for the first time and let everything sink in. Then came the tears.

He had forty-eight hours with her. That was his last weekend with her.

If Cain only knew. If he only knew...

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