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Mahabharat, the most significant and gruesome war of the Dwapar Yug set things right for once and all. Righteousness, Justice, Truth, Prosperity and Compassion took a new birth after Earth washed herself with the blood of millions of her sons.

The epic nestled a woman, with nerves of steel and a heart of gold. The one who flipped the fate of the entire Aryavart and set an example for every female stepping into this beautiful pandemonium.

यज्ञसेनी द्रौपदी

But this story revolves around another princess, who rode over similar challenges and swallowed the same pain as her. Divinity resided in her veins and optimism reigned over her mind.
Another sakhi to Govind who brought reassurance to the sinking fortune of Kuru Rashtra and kindled the morale of Pandavas.

चन्द्रपुत्री कैरावी

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