Teddy's friend

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Teddy's POV


My Dad and Daddy have been at Hogwarts for I think one month now? Grandma has taught me some things since I haven't started proper school yet. I did go to nursery but school starts for me next year. I will get to learn all sorts of things about how to control my magic before I go to Hogwarts. According to Grandma, Dad went there when he was younger but Daddy didn't. Apparently Daddy went to a muggle school. That seems cool but the muggles don't have magic so it isn't as fun.

One thing Grandma is happy about is teaching me how to say my 'r' letters.

"Teddy, Jack is here!" Grandma shouted to me from downstairs.

"Coming!" I said and ran to the door.

Jack is my friend that I met at nursery. He is my bestest friend in the world except Ginny and Luna. But they are a bit older than me.

"Come with me Jack!" I said to him and dragged him to my room.

We sat down to play with the toys I got for Christmas. He really likes the bludgers that Daddy and Dad got me. Maybe when we go to Hogwarts together we can play quidditch together and I can be a seeker. Dad told me all about how good Daddy is at quidditch and I heard Dad is good too.

"So who are those people again Teddy?" Jack asked me pointing at the picture by the side of my bed where my pillow is.

"Do you mean Harry and Draco?" I said to him.

"Yeah! Those people." He said.

"Well they are my dads and-" I started to say.

"Dad's?" Jack said, surprised.

"Y-yes?" I said back. Daddy told me that not everyone would like that I have two Dads but I didn't care because I love Harry and Draco and they love me.

"That's so cool! What is it like to have two dads?" Jack asked me and I felt happy that he wasn't one of the mean people.

"Well Harry is my Daddy and Draco is my Dad. They are really nice to me and we always play games and go out to the park and Diagon Alley and we live in this house that has many floors. And my room is on the top floor!" I said to him excitedly.

"So why are you here then?" Jack asked me.

"Because my dads are at Hogwarts." I replied and my friend's eyes widened.

"Woah! But how old are they if they are allowed in Hogwarts. I thought only teenagers could go there and parents are adults."

"I think they are nineteen. But Dad is older than Daddy by one month I think." I answered.

"Wow that's really young to be a dad. Don't you miss them though, since they are at Hogwarts?"

"Yeah I miss them a lot. Of course I do, they are my dads but I get to go and see them in easter!" I said to him, the last part made me happy after talking about how I miss them.

"That's so lucky! You have to tell me what it is like." Jack shouted and we both laughed.

After that we played more with my toys and I showed him the special blankie Daddy and Dad gave to me. He thought it was cool.

After a while Jack had to go home so I said bye bye to him and then it was dinner time.

"Teddy, I have a surprise for you." Grandma said to me while we were eating.

I am getting better at eating by myself now without spilling food everywhere.

"What is it, Grandma?" I said and I was more happy now that I heard there was a surprise for me.

"When we finish eating we are going to floo call Draco and Harry." She said to me.

I now ate as fast as I could because when I finished I was allowed to call my dads. I really missed them like all the time but I missed them even more this time they left for some reason. Anyways, I finished eating in about two minutes and then ran to the living room where the fireplace was.

Suddenly Dad's face appeared in the fire.

"My Prince! How are you? I'm missing you- Harry hurry up! Sorry Prince, Daddy is taking a long time to put all the students' tests away." Dad said to me, but I didn't mind, I loved it when I was called Prince.

"I'm good! I miss you and Daddy a lot. But Guess what!" I said to him but really just to flames in the living room fireplace.

"What?" Daddy said as he stood next to Dad in the flames.

"I can say 'r' now!" I said happily and Grandma chuckled quietly but I could hear her.

"Wow! That's so cool! We are proud of you darling!" Daddy said with a smile.

After that we talked for a long time until It was super late! I think it was eight o'clock. Dad and Daddy told me it was late and I had to go to bed now.

"Love you!" I said to them.

"We love you too! And we can't wait to see you soon in easter." Dad said to me.

Daddy blew a magical kiss which means it goes through the floo call and it landed on my cheek. It made me feel all warm inside and like I was being held by my two dads. I felt my hair turn pink. I quite liked it pink actually.After we said goodbye, It was my bedtime. Grandma tucked me in and I fell asleep quickly since it was already really late!


Hey guys I wanted to switch up the POV's a bit so this chapter is in Teddy's POV. I hope you like it and tell me if you want another characters POV other than Harry and Draco. 

Baiii <3

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