Chapter 19: United We Stand, Divided We Fall

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Red soon came back, with his son and Talon in hand.

"What did Maroon want?" Pink asked him.

"She was making sure I didn't try to take charge during the discussion."

Pink nodded. "Understandable."

So, there's gonna be a discussion soon? Black held up her tablet.

"Yeah," Red said. "She wasn't sure whether to go after the killer this fast, but I told her that she should - after all, if the imposter started out this quickly, who's to say how fast they'll strike next?"

Purple's eyes widened, and she looked to be on the verge of an anxiety attack. "We're all gonna die, aren't we…?"

Not if we stay together and try to find the imposter as soon as possible. Black decided to try and be optimistic.

Red looked at them and said, "Black's right. If we take all the possible precautions and use our tactics that we learned from Green… we'll be able to survive this."

Purple didn't look too convinced, but she nodded anyway.

Wren climbed on his father's shoulder, and Talon ran to Black, placing himself into her arms for comfort.

They went to the cafeteria for the discussion, sticking together as they had all agreed.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Black took a deep breath, and once they entered the cafeteria, she saw a few of the others already there.

Maroon was one of them, and seemingly after a moment's consideration, Red decided to plant himself on Maroon's right.

Good strategy.

Black sat herself down on Red's right side. Likewise, Pink sat on Black's right, and Purple did the same for Pink.

Red turned to Maroon, and they proceeded to interact in hushed voices - so hushed that even Black couldn't hear them.

Pink was silently assessing and observing their company, and Purple was simply trying to calm herself.

Black kept Talon in her arms, keeping him close. He seemed to be on edge with the rest of the crewmates, contributing to the working theory that he understood what was going on around him.

Wren, on the other hand, was innocently observing the people coming in.

Then, Talon whispered something - so softly that Black thought she imagined it:

"... Soy."

Black was a bit startled at this, but didn't show it, for fear of scaring him back into silence. Instead, she gave him a questioning look.

Soy?? What's that supposed to mean?

… Out of all the things he could have said, he says a food ingredient?

Is he… allergic to soy? Does he want soy milk?

How am I supposed to interpret this??

Black blinked at the young child.

Before either one could say or do anything else, Maroon's voice commenced the beginning of the discussion:

"So, as you're all aware of by now… Indigo is… dead… and we have evidence to believe that he was killed by someone else in this crew. Indigo was killed with a knife during the light malfunction. With that being said - I want to hear everyone's locations at the time of lights going out."

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