Let The Sky Swallow Us | rememberiwasvapour

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"Time may bend itself around the individuals roaming this universe, but the Ending does not," the Portal thundered in its tinny, computer-generated voice. "The Ending has been written into your script since before your planet formed from hot dust and cosmic debris. It is an immovable wall in the stream of time."

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Whilst conducting a research mission with a piece of equipment able to scan time, Captain Vincent Triggs stumbles across a disturbing discovery: The End of Time. As he wrestles with his psyche, he finds solace in his relationships with those around him; his mother, his best friend, the guy he finds himself slowly falling for as the months tick by and the End of Time approaches.


YOUR COVER: (6/10) I love the way the title and author's name is presented here. The only problem is the photo. I'm not sure how it connects with a story in a way that isn't generic. How can you incorporate a deeper meaning into your cover so your readers can have a lightbulb moment when they figure it out? I suggest requesting for a new cover on Wattpad, because this one doesn't make me want to read your story.

YOUR TITLE: (10/10) Wow. This is the kind of title that got all up in my face. It's unique, different, and demanding to be read. I love your title, because it's an indicator for what genre your story is set in, and draws a lot of potential readers to your story! Clearly well done here.

YOUR BLURB: (4/5) The blurb was so well written. The structuring of your sentences were concise and organized. I took off the point because the quote from your story isn't necessary. It may be important to the story, but readers may have to look at it several times to decipher its meaning; it holds no significance to them. Instead, I suggest providing a better quote from your story that your readers can immediately click with. For example, if your protagonist tells someone they've discovered the End of Time, that's a unique concept that your readers will be curious about.

YOUR HOOK: (5/5) With your hook, you're diving straight into your story and showing off your writing capabilities. I got a peek of your writing voice, your character, and the content of your story. It was really well written, and I can see you've put a lot of thought into it. A solid 5/5.

YOUR GRAMMAR: (8/10) One frequent error I've caught throughout chapter one was your use of commas. While most of the time you used them correctly with a further understanding than most other writers I'd critiqued, there were a few spots here and there that you missed. Keep in mind that a comma is used to separate several clauses throughout a sentence. In future writing, I suggest looking closely at the sentence you just wrote, and ask yourself whether it can be better restructured, and if it needs a comma or not.

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