Chapter 18

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I walk trough the Corridor to the library for my homework. In no time I arrive, my day can't get any better, the teachers know of us and they appreciate us!!! I go sit on one of the tiny tables and take out my books.

Firsttt...... I start with potions, Snape gave us so much work!! Page 563 about wolf's potion..... A HALF PERCHMENT ROLL!!! Is he going mad!! I take my perchment when I see that's someone already write on it? I open the roll and a tiny paper falls on my leg.

I hope I help you with this, indeed it was a bit to much work.

Aahww that's so cute of him!! I read the letter again, and again, and again,.....

No I have to work on my other Lessons. Let's start with transfiguration. "accio transfiguration." my book fly's to my hand, page 235, 2/5 of perchment. Again I take my perchment to start writing. When I roll it open I see MINE handwriting on the paper, but I never writed on this because it is a new roll?! Again a tiny piece of perchment falls on the table

You're beautiful when you sleep, you deserve a bit more rest. Go outside I did your work.

I pack my books and walk out of the library. As Snape said I make my way outside. Many 2years are having a snowball fight. I avoid the flying balls and go to the Water that's frozen. Let's go to the forbidden forest to make my mind free. I walk past hagrids house to the forest. I make a little walk until I come to a big lake, it's completely frozen. I remember my childhood when my dad and I go Skating on the ice when mom wasn't home. It was one of the happiest memories I have from them.

I make my shoes to skates and carefully walk on the Ice. When I was younger I was so good! I could turn pirouettes, jump,... It's almost 2 years ago, but after some minutes it's getting better and better. I fly over the ice, until I come a bit to close by the end of the ice and fall, on time I can grab my and I don't hurt myself. I look up and see someone sitting in front of me? It's a black suit he's wearing, obviously I know who it is!! It's severus.

"sev., what are you doing here."

"Just watching you love" he said. It's cold and I'm freezing, but when he said "love" to my it's hot and my head starts looking like a tomato. "your very good." " I did it much as a kid." he walks to me and helps me up. "how long are you looking at me?" I said naughty. "the moment I saw you on hagrids House." he murmured. "you sneaky man." I laughed.

"I can go if you want." he said rasing an eyebrow and turning his body awai from me. "no no no, you can join me." he turns back to me. One wave of my wand and his shoes transform to skates. I pull him on the ice, "Luna!! Luna!! I'd never did this before!!" he said in panic. "let me teach you!!"

He slowly moves forward and he moves his chest to the ground. I grab his by his Butt and pull his chest back. "exuse me you just punched on the butt of a teacher."  "MINE teacher." I said laughing. I take his hands and try to teach him some skills. He learns very quick and after an hour he fly's over the ice. His Concerned look made place for a smile. He takes my hand and skate together. We circle around the middle of the lake, going closer and closer to the middle until we're on the middle and just turning some pirouette's I lay my head on his shoulder. "your terrible!! But I love you." he murmured. "love you to sev."

his hand takes my Chin and moves it so I face him. I know what's coming and close my eyes. My hands move to his neck and head. When I finally feel his soft lips touching mine, finally!! He bits on my lip, I Moan in silence, I want it so ba badly.... NOW..... I know he wants the same, but not here.....  .

We go warm us up in the 3 broomsticks. "sev. Can we go for a walk tonight?"
"uhm yeah sure?" he said Surprised.

Severus pays and then we leave. We say goodbye to each other on the hidden part of the garden.

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