Chapter 25

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He moves a bit so his head is lying now on the Armrest. He hold me close, "thank you" I mutter. He gives me a kiss on top of my head. I move one leg so it lays over one of his. He holds my hand in his. "I love you, and I will always love you." he whispers



I fall asleep, not feeling well, but at least a bit better than before.

I open my eyes rude! My hole body is sweating, I'm shaking and tears are falling of my face. "calm, calm. It was just a bad dream. look, everything is okey." I hold him close in my arms. "What happened?" I try to remember my dream.

⚠Dead body⚠

It's a big fight, everyone is fighting, I run to my mother. "mother!!" I shout. "luna!" she rushs into my arms. Behind her shoulder I see severus standing there, I let my mother go and run into his arms. Suddenly he starts to Convulsions, blood is over his body, he falls to the ground. "luna!" he said weak. I grab his shoulders shaking him, "please don't go!!" his eyes wide open, his gost left his body. I look around, not believing that he's actual gone! I hear my mother laughing, loud. She has her wand in her hands.


"how late is it?"

"it's 7am."

I go sit up, Snape takes my back. "Severus I have to start learning again."

"no, today your going to sleep."

"but I hav-" I try to protest.

"I watched you, you already did almost all you subjects 3 times."

"why are you awake? Didn't you sleep?" I ask. "you screamed my name just before you opened your eyes." that makes sense.

"what did you dreamed?"

I take a deep breath, "my- my mother, I saw her in a war. She was friendly, I trought at first. She's my mother you know, I still love her deep in my heart. But then I saw you, and I hugged you. Then you falled down, you clothes drowned in blood. She- she."

I struggle very hard by trying to say it. He already knows what happened. He takes my chin and let me look at him, we come closer to each other. I feel his lips back at mine. God I missed this moment!! It was not long, it was soft, loving." I will always be here for you." he whispers.

I didn't open my eyes after the kiss, his words, his slow breathing, just knowing that he's here for me is enough to fall back asleep.

Snape pov.

There she lays, in my arms. I missed her so much and I was scared she would lose herself again. It's hard to see her like this, she's emotionally destroyed by her mother, but still all these years she never gave up, she always wanted to make other people smile. Now it's mine time to make her smile.

End Snape pov

I wake up around 3pm. I don't lay on Severus anymore. He's gone? He had put his cloak over me.

I stretch my arms and legs and go sit up. I feel so much better! He had laid a note on the table


I'm teaching now, can you please come to me if you waked up?

Love Severus.

I take his cloak and walk out of the door. Or he's teaching, or he's in the library, or he's walking in a Corridor to punish some kids. I walk to his classroom, no one is there. The library, he's sitting on one of the tables, I almost didn't see him because lot's of books are hiding his face.

I clear my Throat. He looks up, "here's you cloak." I Mumbled.

"did you sleep well?" I nod my head. "what are you going to do now?"

"I go back studying- but I will take some breaks this time." I said. "good, come with me." he said.

I walk with him not knowing what he's gonna do. We walk back to his quarters. In no time he had taken his wand and gives it a wave. A old messy bureau starts to clean itself up.

"did you ever heard from legillements?" he asked. "yes, mind reading, is it?" he nod his head. "we can use it in other ways." he said.

He stands for me. "try connecting with my mind, without using your wand."

"wha- what?? How?" I stutter. "like I'm doing now." I hear his voice saying, it feels like his voice is coming out of my head. "how did you do that?!"

"just believe in it!"

I try again, holding my hands on my head. He walks closer to me, "you don't need you hands just relax and believe in Yourself."

"do I have to say it out loud or do I just have to think about it?"

"just think that your saying it, but in my brain."

I close my eyes. Consentrate Luna. "did you hear anything?"

"no. Maybe if I say something to you, you can repeat."

Again I hear his voice in my head. "you look beautiful." I didn't even realize it was in my head. "Thank you. "I replied.

He smiles big at me." you did it!!"

" I did what?"

" you replied at me!! "

" but I just said it to you? "

" no luna, you where in my head! " he pulled me in a big hug." why did you teached this me? "

" if you take a break, you can connect with me. I will come to you, if I don't have a class and then we can go do something together. "

" Okey?! I don't know if I can do it without that you come in my mind first?"

"that's your problem, you don't believe in Yourself, you CAN do it luna."

"I- I will try... "

"don't think so negative about yourself. I don't like it, it makes my sad."

"Okey." I answer looking at my shoes. He takes the side of my cheek and kisses me soft. "love you" he said and then he walked out. "oh, forgot to say, you can study in my quarters now." I hear him saying in my head. "Okey, did you heard me?" I try to reply.


"Okey, love you to."

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