Chapter 55

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I helo Severus go stand up while he leans most of all his weight on me.
He stumbles back to the castle. It's a really 'ong way because Severus can' 't walk really Quick.

When we finally arrive no one is there? We go inside. I want to take Severus to the great hall but he prefers to go to his dungeons room.
I agree with him and walk him to his classroom. He takes an little potion and throws it in his mouth.
He shakes his head and looks then up to me. His face is getting more color and I could almost see the power coming back into his body. "you where just on time." he mutters. I keep Quiet. "how could've been so stupid!" he mutters again. "what stupid?" I ask. "I know he was going to try kill me, but I didn't did anything." he answers. "hey! Be happy! You're still alive!" I say.
He smiles softly. "yeah that's true." he answers.

After 20 minutes we go upstairss and see what dammige Has been done.
Many old students from me are laying on the ground.
Poppy runs to Severus. I hold myself a bit on the background. "Luna, come, I need you!" Severus says and signs that I have to follow him.
We take as much potions possible and bring them upstairs.

<1 hour later>

We walk around the castle seeking for people who are possible Remaining and need help. Severus and me are a group. We have to check everything in the way to the Forbidden forest.
We see someone laying on the ground. We rush to the person, when we come closer we recognize it isn't someone from our team. She is a death eater!
Severus pulls me back, but on that moment I see it's my mother!
"sev!" I shout. "it's mother!"
Severus let me go and I bow over the body. Severus comes stand next to me. I feel a slight heart beat.
I take a little bottle out of my jacket and trow it in her mouth.

She slowly is coming by positively. She opens her eyes. It's not the warm look mother's gave their children. It's cold and full with hate. I go sit on the grass and place my buth next to her.
She leans on her arms and tries to push her up. "Careful" I say.
Severus stands a few feets away.
"what happened?" she asks. "I don't know, we found you here." I explain. "why are you still here?" she asks. "because we where looking for people who were left." I answer. "where is lord voldemort?!" I roll my eyes. "he's not here." I answer annoyed. "DON'T ROLL YOUR EYES!" she shouts and rushs to me to slap me. Happily she is still weak and Drops trough her arms.
Severus had moved forwards to protect me. "you 2 aren't working for the dark lord are you?" she asks. We look at each other and then keep silince. "I KNEW IT!" she shouts.

Suddenly she stands up and takes out a Dagger. Severus moved Quickly around her and knockes her out.
"sev?!" I ask. "you know the dream?" he asks. Suddenly I recognize that the exact same thing happened! "so- so it wasn't a dream?" I ask. He nods no and looks back at my mother. "what do we do with her?" I ask. "we take her to the castle and mcgonagall decides." he answers.
He lays her over his shoulder and carries her back to the castle.

When we arrive everyone is coming outside, but not for us. A big Procession from all the death eaters is coming from the forest to the castle. We have no outway and have to stay walking around these people.

In the front of the Procession Hagrid is walking.
Everyone takes his place and we sneak to the other side into the castle. My last glimpse I see that Hagrid carries someone. "sev!" I say. "what?" he asks. "he's carrienig someone." I say.
He drops my mother and pulls me back outside.
Ginny screams. Then I see it too. It's Harry! I turn to Severus and start crying. He holds me close while he looks with an deafeted look at the Crowd. "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" voldemort says.

I see by many people the hope they had dropping to the ground.
We hear voldemort speech. He didn't recognized us standing there.
"Luna?" my father asks. He makes eye contact with me from the other side. That's the moment voldemort turns to us. "you?!" he says to severus exasted.
He rushs closer to us and. On that moment Harry rolls out of Hagrid arms and Draws Voldemort's attention again.
A huge battle breaks out. Severus pulls me inside and we go stay in a 'safe' place. We don't see anything.
Many people are screaming and again there is a huge battle.

Severus and I fight different people. But my heart dropped when I saw my father coming to us. He was not sure of his deed but he did it.
He used a spell against me. Severus tries to hold him back with some harmful spells.
"mother is dead!" I say out of nowhere. He stops and looks defeated to us. "what?" he asks. "she's death! We found her!" I say. He looks in front of him. Just enough time for us to walk away and don't have to fight him anymore.

On that moment we see some strange movements outside. Harry and voldemort landed on the same place as his speech. They crowl to their wand and fier at the same moment.
We see Harry losing, but than it takes a big turn and voldemort gets anxious.
His wand flies out of his hand.
His skin turns black and it peels of his body, until nothing is left of him.

<3 years later>

Babe I'm going to work! I say and walk to the door. "not so Quick!" he says slow and walks closer to me.
I give him a soft kiss. "I really have to go now." I say and let go. "I will mis you." he growls loving. "don't be such a sugar Soul, have fun with the meeting." I say and leave. Severus had a meeting with all his old colleagues.
He had sayd goodbye to his job and took some time for himself, but with the meaning to start again with teaching when he was ready.
Obviously it wasn't his own idea, it was mine and McGonagall's
I had moved in with him and sayd official goodbye to my dad. I never talked to him anymore.
I'm still friends with luna and we see each other much! Also because our jobs relate much to each other we have to work together most of the time!
ALSO! Severus had proposed to me!!
The first time I was back at hogwarts with him he proposed to me while everyone in the great hall was looking!

I'm so so so so so embrassed because of this ending!! But I don't have inspiration, but I don't want to let this story have no ending!
Maybe I rewrite it another time!!
But yeah! This was the ending!! Hope you had fun reading!
Thanks for the votes, reads and comments!

Don't forget to check out my other books! Thank you <3

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