Chapter 9

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I dress up in my room. When I'm ready I go to the great hall. Almost hole the school is dancing. Dumbledore is trying to break dance. Madam pomfey is trying to stop him. Sprout is laughing. And Snape is standing in a Corner. I walk to the teachers. "ahh luna you came." mcgonagall said. It's a bit awkward. After a long time standing there I feel confident enough to move a little. I dance with Sprout. She's so hyper, I'm completely Exhausted after we danced. I go get some water.

While my glass is filling, some people walk to me. It are Crabbe and Goyle

"hahahaha, this is so Pathetic...... You don't have any friends anymore so you go dance with the teachers."

I see someone else coming to me. It's Draco.

"don't you ever speak to me again you weardo!!"

"fine" I said and walk awai. I know they don't like me but it still hurts. I don't know what to do so I just go stand back by the teachers. After some minutes I see some people from my year standing in a group and laughing while pointing at me.

I can't hold it anymore and rush out of the hall. Tears falling of my face. Wat was my problem going to the party!! I stand before the commonroom. Shit the password changed today!! Ofcourse no one told me the new one..... . I just sit there on the floor. Crying. I hear someone coming, quickly I hide me after an Harness. The person didn't see me. "Salazar" he said. The door opens and he walks in. I wait for a few minutes to be sure he isn't coming back. I go stand before the door "Salazar" the door opens and I finally can go into the commonroom. Imideatly I rush to my room. On my way I walk past the boy who just walks in. He laughs loud when he sees me.

This was the last thing I needed. I start to cry heavily, push the boy out of my way and jump in my bed. Shaking I lay crying in my bed. I lock the door with a spell. I almost shouted when I feeled someone. "shhh..... Shhhh..... Relax... I'm here" I hear him saying. I try to look who it is. Proffesor snape?!! He wraps his arms around me. I'm still shaking. I don't matter that he's a teacher I just need someone who cares about me.

I pull me close in his arms. Slowly I stop crying. Meanwhile Snape Sits with his back to my bed. I'm close in his arms. Finally there is someone I can trust, someone who cares about me. I totally relax while he's going with his hand over my face. "rest darling you deserve it." he said. Normally I would be shocked but I'm to tired to feel anything. Fast after he said that I can fall asleep with the trought that he find it Okey and that he's Watch over me.

I wake up in my bed. Slowly I remember what happened. I feel so sick again. How late would it be?? I look at my clock. Shit!! I missed breakfast with Snape. I run to his office. He isn't there!! I run trough the hole castle. I see Dumbledore walking. "proffesor.... Proffesor Dumbledore...... Do you know where I can find proffesor snape??" I said out of breath.

"Which day are we?" he asks

"Monday, why"

"he's in his room, I can bring you to him if you want." he winks at me.

"how do you know he's in his room?"

"he just told me he was going to his room."

"but if you did know where he was why did you asked which day we are?"

"isn't that obvious, I just wanted to know which day we are."

We walk to snape's room. Dumbledore knocks. After a few seconds I hear someone moving. The door opens, thare stands Snape. "how do you know where my room was?" he asks. I look beside me, But to my surprise Dumbledore is nowhere. "Dumbledore Brought me." I walk. It's the first time ever I am in his room. It's big, super big. If you walk in on your left there are some Seats Standing around a fireplace. All the way to the left is a little kitchen. On the right you have a big desk and all the way to the right are 2 doors. "it's beautiful here!" I say.

"are you feeling better?"

"I don't know, probably when I walk in a class they all going to laugh..."

Snape thinks the same he doesn't answer me. We eat breakfast together. Since I'm eating with Snape it's going good, I eat more and feel better.

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