Chapter 4

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we have history and defence against the dark arts. History is boring and i sleep until Draco wakes me up. We go to defence against the dark arts. Lupin is already sitting on his desk. We sit on the front seat. I feel something touching my head, I look behind me and see Crabbe and Goyle laughing and writing on papers. Draco is opening one of the props.

'don't let your father find out.'

Is writed.

On that moment I hear someone walking to me. Before I can look behind me I see Draco trying to hide the paper, but it's to late. Someone graps the paper and reads it. It's Snape, after he read it he turns around and walks straight to crabbe and goyle. He pulls them out the class. After some minutes he walks back in the classroom and stands next to lupin. Crabbe and Goyle didn't enter the class.

We have to try attacking other people and defending ourselves. Draco is trying to attack me and I need to defend me. Snape checks whether we are doing the exercises properly. I don't concentrate anymore because I get flashbacks from when he pushed me to say what happened.


My wand flies away.

"miss Luna you have to pay attention!" Snape said loud. I start to blush, my wand lays before his feeds, he stoops and takes my wand. I walk to him and he gives it back to me. "next time pay attention." He said. I nod with my head and walk back to Draco. Now it's my time to attack him. I start to juse simple spells but when the time goes by it's boring and I try some difficult but powerful spells. When I accidentally hit Draco so hard that he flies to the back of the class lupin and Snape rush to him to look if he was okey. He's fine, then they turn to me. "What spell did you use?"

" I don't know? I just tried some spells I read in the library."

"you could have hurt Malfoy?"

"I'm sorry prof."

"detention this evening."

Shit good work Luna! Detention from your first day. I walk to Draco to check if he's okey. He has pain on his back, but it doesn't hurt that much. After some minutes class is over and we can go.

I can't concentrate on my next lessons, I have to be in one room with the only proffesor who knows from my home-situation.

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