Chapter 11

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On the end of the day we have study session potion for 2hours. I walk in a bit to late. "sorry proffesor snape I'm late." thinking I was getting detention. "go sit Luna." he said looking deep in my eyes. I go sit on a table. "why don't she have detention??" I hear pansy whispering to Draco. I don't look at her, not that I'm scared just I don't want to see her face.

Slowly I grab my Ingredients. Looking in my book. Firstttt....... Some Fenix tears, then 6 water plants, next.... Euwww Simmer from a trolls back. I go on making my potion.

I feel almost all the eyes of the class looking at me. I keep repeating in my head ignore them ignore them.... I'm almost done. Now carefully 2 troops of trees sap. 1......2.... I feel someone pushing me. My potion starts to make scary noices. I try to step Back but someone I pushing me to the potion. On the last moment the person stops pushing me and I fall on the ground. Everyone is laughing. I look around, there I see Draco laying Behind me.

"malfoy!! Detention!! Do you know how dangerous that is!!" I hear Snape saying. I stand back up. Did Draco really did that? My only friend? Without saying anything I walk out of the room. "hahaha she's crying again!!" I hear pansy shouting. I turn around "YOU FUCKING BITCH WHO'S THINKING ABOUT GETTING RAILED BY DRACO EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!"

after I said that I walk furious out of the classroom. I was proud of myself I finally stood up. Then I feel the pain that Draco did that to me..... . I go to the astronomy tower. Laying on the ground for hours..... . I start to cast some little spells with my wand. "lumos" "nox" "lumos" "nox" "lumos" "nox" "lumos" "nox". I keep repeating them,faster and faster. It was some sort of disco party. I stop repeating them but when I stopped saying it, it doesn't stop flickering. It keeps going on and out. I hold my wand high in the air. Stars in the sky. After a bit of time I try to stop my wand doing that. It worked, now it's dark here.

I hear someone coming upstairs?? Would it be mcgonagall like last time? This time I don't hide, I really wanna talk with mcgonecall. Finally the person reaches the top. It's not mcgonagall, not Snape, not Dumbledore, not Sprout.
It's Draco and pansy. "stupefy!" just on time I can jump awai. "expeliarmus!" Draco yelled. "Petrificus Totalus!" I yell. Praying someone would hear me.

"Draco your such a lozer!" I said blocking pansy's spell. "first choosing for me but when people don't really like you anymore going back like a little puppy."

Pansy gasped hard. "how dare you saying that!! Crucio!" she said. I feel a terrible pain all over my body. I fall on the ground. After a bit of time she stopped.

Crying I stand back up. "it's your turn Draco." she said with a loving voice. Draco looked worried but did what she said. "Crucio." There is doubt in his voice? I feel pain but not much it's just like I layed wrong in the night and now I have Myalgia. I stay on my feet.

Pansy is Fierce!! "Come on sweetheart you can do it!!" she said. Wait sweetheart Draco is gay?!! I laugh while watching her confused face. "darling, hahaha, are you two dating!! YOU KNOW DRACO IS GAY!!" I said laughing loud. Draco is a bit shocked. "pans you know that isn't true!" he said. Ofcourse that dumb ass believed Draco.

Again pansy said crusio and I fall back on the ground. She does it so long that I don't even hear something, I only feel the pain. I just pray it would stop. I can't handel it anymore!! I cry for help. Pansy is laughing loud and Draco is just standing there..... . The boy I trough was a friend of me just stands there doing nothing!

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