Chapter 12

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Just on the moment When I Thought that I was going to lose my mind the pain stopped. I just keep laying on the ground shaking from the pain. Tears falling of my face, still murmuring for help.

It looks like I was laying there forever, I can't think anymore I'm locked in my own brain.

After a while I feel that someone is moving me. I try to open my eyes, I think they are open but I can't focus or see a face. The person is saying something to me, but I don't answer I just look right in front of me, my breath is unstable.

The person starts to run, I lay in his/her arms. I hear things, I see things, I feel things, but it looks like my brain doesn't work.

The person lays me in a bed. I hear him/her doing something, after a while he/she comes back to me. Now the door opens and I hear new voices.

After 1 week

I don't know how long I'm laying. Somethimes I feel someone..... I slowly can think and recognize voices. I lay in the hospital from hogwarts, after a week I feel enough energie to try to say something. I open my mouth and Moan something, imideatly I hear someone rushing to me.

"Luna..... Luna...."

C-mon luna say something! I try to do the same thing but this time its more like I whisper something.

The person rushs to the door. After some minutes 3people come back in. After 5 minutes 1 of them leaves the room and comes back after 1 hour.

I didn't try to say something because I don't have enough power. I feel that they open my mouth, they Pour a discusting thing in my mouth. I just hold it in my mouth.

"she doesn't drink it...... What do we do now?!!" I hear a Lady saying.

"you just told me she tried to say something?" I hear an old man saying


"well Maybe she can hear us too? Luna, luna dear you have to drink it!!"

It's hard to understand what he said after a while I decide to just drink it.... I can't get this in my mouth forever!

When I drink it I almost Puke!! It's so disgusting. I feel it Burning in my stomach. But slowly I start to see some faces..... I... I see Dumbledore? And Madam pomfrey? And proffesor snape...

I look around but don't move. "Luna!! Luna!! Can you see us?" I hear Dumbledore saying. I look back at his face.

"Okey normally after 2 days she can speak to us. If your potion is strong enough."

Everyone leaves and let me alone.

The next day I feel much better!! Madame pomfrey comes to my bed. "Hellow sweetheart." she said not thinking I would react.

"good morning." I murmer quite. she is so shocked!! She rushs out the room and let me alone.

After some minutes she comes back with another person. I slowly turn my head. Snape stands next to me.

"Luna!! Luna can you hear me?" he said conserned.

"Proffesor Snape..." I said tired, it was so difficult to say something. He looks so happy!! He goes back to madame pomfrey. I try to lissen. After i hear madame pomfrey being a bit anoyed he comes back. I try to look at him but at this point I'm so tired I can't even hold my eyes open.

He picks me up and hold me in his 2 arms, finally after a long time I feel some sort of confort. He walks with me out of the hospital. He's saying something but I don't understand. My eyes are so heavy, I allow them to close and I fall asleep in his strong arms.

Snape point of view

One week ago

I'm waiting for Luna to come in for dinner. She's late.... Let's go to the common room I don't want her to start skipping meal again! She isn't there? Perhaps she's eating in the great hall?? I look for her in hole the castle, I don't find her. After an hour looking for her I hear some voices coming from the astronomy Tower.

I found her in the astronomy tower, shacking on the ground while pansy was Torturing her. Quickly I take my wand and make them stop. I Paralyze them so I can take Luna to the hospital. On my way I'm so scared. She's shacking so hard, she looks into nowhere and her breathing is Irregular.

I rush into the hospital tell madame pomfret what happens and go to dumbledore. Quickly I tell the story to dumbledore. He is shocked and walks with me to the astronomy tower. There we see them laying on the floor. We take their wands to make sure they won't attack us. After they can move again we start to ask questions.

We recognise that Draco is doing a bit strange and take them apart. Draco start to cry heavy when we ask why he did it. He doesn't want to tell anything. Dumbledore give me permission to give Draco some veritaserum. He tells us all about his home situation and how his dad would torture his mother and him if he didn't go with pansy.

After Draco told us everything we talk with pansy. She acts like she doesn't care, but we see behind her mask a little girl crying for help.

After dumbledore and I talked for sooooo long, we think its better if we don't Delete Draco from the school because then he would be in great danger!! But pansy..... We don't know what to do with her..... Let's bring her to a home where people can be helped with mental problems minerva Suggested. We decided to do that, that same evening we send pansy awai.

I go back to Luna, brave brave Luna! She's still laying there with her eyes open. Oh I hope she's okey.

Now when Snape is walking with luna in his arms

Finally I can take her to my room, I want her to be safe. After a long discussion with promfrey she agreed. I said it was because so it's easier to give her potions, but In fact I just wanna know that's she's safe and doing well.

She falled asleep while I'm walking. She's so cute..... NO SEVERUS HOW YOU DARE THINKING THAT!! SHE'S YOUR STUDENT!! Deep in my heart I know this is more than just teacher student but I try to hide it and ignore it.

We arrive my room carefully I lay her on my bed.

End Snape point of vieuw

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