Chapter 30

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I go studying again. It's almost 7p.m. And we go to the great hall for dinner. As usual now I go sit on the teacher table and start talking with some profs. "Luna? Can I ask something?" I hear someone saying from behind me. "yeah ofcourse." I said turning around. "so I wanted to ask if you could give luna lovegood some extra lessons. She was very good today in class, better than ever before." lupin said. "ofcourse, she's very sweet! But better after my exams." I replied. He nods his head and walks to his seat.

I see luna looking at me, we have eye contact and she signs that I have to come to her. She's sitting all alone far away from the other students. "I'm right back." I whisper to Severus. He looks after me.

"hey luna!" I greeted her. "hello." she said. "why are you sitting alone?" I ask. "oh, the other students don't really like me, but I'm okey with that." she answered.

"I heard from lupin you liked my lesson?"

"yes, it's very useful. " she said pure.

"that's fine to hear!"

A black shadow appears behind me. "Luna." he said. We both turn around. "no, eh, you luna brown.. Can you come with me?" Dumbledore said. "sure!"

I walk together with Dumbledore to the door. "where are you going?" I hear Snape saying in my head. "I had a meeting with Dumbledore, I already told you." I replied. "Okey, I will wait for you." I send a kiss to him and then leave the great hall.

He takes me to the headmaster office, it's huge! I go sit on the seat opposite him. Hunderts of portraits are hanging on the wall, they are all whispering and pointing at me.

" so Luna, how are your studies going?"

"good sir!"

"great!" he says.

I'm a bit confused because did he really invited me for this?! "so, I suppose you know that parents are invited when their child graduate?"

Oh no, my parents! Again!

"yes I know that." I answer respectful. "your uhm parents don't want to come then, they said they have something to do they can't deny." dumbledore mutters. "oh, that's fine." I said Relieved. "that wasn't everything..." he says. Shit! "your parents wanted to see you the day from your last exam." dumbledore said Quickly. I stare right in front of me. no no no, I don't want to see them! Everything was GREAT when they aren't here. "can't we say- I don't know- that they don't have to come?" I try. "I don't think so..." he says full with sympathy. "o- okey." I say. "I'm sorry luna." he whispers. "you can go now." he says.

I walk out the room. Ugh! Why do they always have to Ruin everything?! I can't go to severus now, I'm to angry and Confused. I walk outside, a little walk can surely make my mind free. The moon his beautiful!!

Suddenly I hear someone screaming! I take my wand and rush to the place the sound came from, again I hear the terrible scream! Behind the Corner the yelling is coming from. I see a big Shadow standing there. Quick luna think!! Severus! Severus someone is yelling here come quickly! I say to him. I walk closer and closer, my wand in my hand.

I see a big monster standing there! It Cries loudly, it's- it's- a werewolf!! I look around, a blond girl is laying on the ground, holding her wand tight in her hands. "stupefy!" I yell, it does nothing. The wolf turns to me, good I guess? It's ' better than if he's attacking the girl. I step backwards, not to Fast, I don't want him to run after me.

The girl looks around, IT'S LUNA! "luna, help me! Use our lesson!" I shout. "no! Don't hurt him! It's professor lupin!" she says. "use stupefy! It doesn't hurt him, it just Paralyzed him!" I shout back. We start casting spells on him, it doesn't do anything to him!

Finally I see a shadow walking closer to us, I turn around. No! It's not severus! It's draco?! He's totally in shock and almost runs away." draco!" I shout. He turns to me." luna?"

"stupefy!" I yell again. "please help draco." he takes his wand and does the same as luna and I are doing. Lupin comes closer and closer, it doesn't have any effect on him! He makes hilselve ready to jump on me, but then...

I look around, severus is running to me. His wand pointing at lupin. He takes me in his arms, "are you okey." he asks ignoring the others. "yes." I answer.

I hear someone crying in silence, luna is laying on the ground, she has a big Wound on her arm. "sev, I have to take her to the hospital." I say. Draco Rushes to me and helps me carrying luna to the hospital wing. She's loosing much blood and her face is getting whiter and whiter.

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