Chapter 27

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I go back to my work. In 2 days my exams start.

It's dinner time, Severus walks in the room, a bit frustrated. "what happened?" I ask. "nothing.." he said even more frustrated. "sev." I stand up and block his way. "Okey fine! They saw some baking powder on my suit and they keep asking me why." he said irritated. I giggle "why are you laughing?!" he said a little bit confused. "look, I know you a sweet, but for other students you are still the poison teacher who's Strict." I explained.

"soo... We are special not everyone has to see me like this!"

"no sev, it's just, to see your potion teacher having baking powder on his suit, is a little bit funny." he rolls his eyes. "come we're going to dinner."

"but!! I have to study potions!!"

"Luna, you studied it like all the time!! You surely are going to pass your exams." he said dragging my hand to the door. "Okey." I rolled my eyes.

On our way we come across lupin. "ohw, here you are luna!! I know it's not the best time now, with your exams, but I have a student 1 year younger than you. And uhm, I want to know if you can help her with her home work?" he mumbled.

"uuhm, sure what's her name?"

"Luna, luna lovegood." he said looking briefly at Snape. "I didn't know someone has the same name as me in this school!! When do I meet her?" I said excited. "I expect you come sit by us on the table?" I nod my head. "I will show you her, she's ravenclaw and has blond hear with blue eyes. If you can go sit by her after an hour it would be fantastic!!" he said. "sure!!"

Once we walk away from lupin, Severus whispers "you can't!! You have to study for your exams!"

"you said I had done enough.. And... I never let someone fall down, I always am here to help!" I said raising my eyebrow

"you don't know that kid!! She's a bit strange..."

"I am strange to. What's the problem with that?!" he didn't respond for some seconds. "your right..." he signed. "I'm always right Severus.." I said laughing.

We go sit on the teachers table. "hello!! Luna my dear!! How is it going with your exams?" Minerva asked when I go sit next to her. "it's going pretty well. Thank you."

I have a short chat with Mcgonecall until Dumbledore start talking to me. "Luna, do you mind if you come to my office tomorrow 7p.m.?"

"no ofcourse not, I will be there!"

"good!" he said lights flickering in his eyes.

I eat my meal and talk to many staff teachers. Somethimes my eyes are looking at the ravanclaw table, looking for the girl that shares the same name as me.

Someone taps on my shoulder. "Luna? Are you ready?" lupin said. "uhm, yes..." I say goodbye to Severus and walk with lupin to the ravenclaw table. "Luna, here is.... Also luna." he said. She turned around, with her big blue eyes and almost snow white hear.. She- she is beautiful!! I catch myself staring at her and quickly look at the teacher table.

I met Severus eyes "I will wait for you in my quarters, professor brown." he winked at me and stood up. "don't call me by my Surname!" he turned around and looked at me. It looks pretty weard, like 2 people having some sort mind chat and no one hears it.

"so luna! It's better if you 2 go sitting on a place where is no much people and enough space." I hear lupin saying. "uhm, sorry professor, what do I have to learn her exactly?" Blink my eyes, "ahh, I almost forgot to say that. Luna needs someone to learn dueling with." I look at the girl, she briefed a smile at me and then I looked back at lupin. "sure professor." he nods his head and walked back to the teacher table.

The girl stands next to me, she's a bit shorter than me, but not much. "Okey, luna, let's go outdoors, I first want to know somethings about you." I walk out the great hall when she followed me.

"what do you like doing?" I asked

"I like many things." she said, with a sweet voice. "but most of all I like drawing and reading."

"who are your friends?" I asked. "I don't have many friends, they all think I'm weird." She answered me. "why do they think so?"

"they find my clothes weird and my interests.... I don't mind it, I can live on my own, I had to do much on my own Since my mother died."

"I'm so sorry for you..." I said.

"it's not that bad, I have an amazing father!" I look at her and brief her a smile. "aren't you the girl who was attacked in the astronomy tower?" she asked. "uhm, yes that was me..."

"I'm happy you healed!!" she said sober.

"I'm also happy about that!"

"Draco and pansy attacked you?? True?" she asked. "yes, Draco was a good friend of mine, but it's over." she saw the pain in my eyes.

"ohw, I'm sorry for you."

"no, it's fine, it's fine. It's just... I never had much friends and now I don't have any...... Except the teachers." I laugh.

She didn't really respond only after an minute. "how is professor Snape?" I turn my head to her a bit confused what I have to say now. "he's very kind, obviously he's a bit emotional less, but he's Okey if you have a better relationship with him. Why do you ask?"

"just, if he's with you or you are around he looks a bit more happier Or relaxed."

"that's fine to hear." I answer.


Stay tuned for the next chapter!!
I don't gonna spoil, but.... It's going to be fun!!

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