Chapter 46

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Time change: 3months later

Slowly I wake up in severus's soft bed. The sun comes through the courtyard of the roller shutter. Severus is already sitting right up against the side of the bed. He reads the dayly prophit. His hand runs through my hair.

The last few months have been just great

I take his hand and sit up. I look over his shoulder and read the article.
"it's getting closer, isn't it?" I ask. Severus just nods. I kiss his hand "let's have breakfast." I say. "lunch." he correct me. Again ?! Wow after our many fun nights, we barely ate any morning meal.
We sit at the table while the eggs Cook by themselves.
"tonight we have to go to the meeting again. Severus mutters.
For a moment the image of the last times flashes through my head.

Lucius walks in
Take off my clothes
Sticks his clock in me
Walks away without mercy

Quickly I shake off the image "okay." I say. "This time nothing will happen I swear! One time is more than enough." Severus says, squeezing my hand gently. "I know." I answer. Severus takes the eggs and the bread and puts it on our plates.
"tasty." I say. "tasty babe." he answers.

That evening

Like the first time, we apperate to Draco's house. Wow actually it had been a long time since I had seen him! Oh and Luna! I miss Luna so much !!
I hold his hand as we get closer and closer to the house.
The thoughts had apparently made me squeeze his hand. He pauses and looks me deep in the eye. "calm, everything is fine ... nothing is going to happen." he says. "no it's not, it's luna ..." I answer. "what's the matter with her?" he asks. "I miss her." I answer. Severus' eyes deviate for a moment as if he is also thinking about something. "I'm sure she'll be fine." he says. "relax for a moment, you know that Voldemort wants to get into your brain." he adds. I nod my head.

After a few seconds we walk on again. The door opens, Lucius is in the opening. He's looking at my dark blue dress. I hadn't been put off by last time and had done quite well. A low back and a fairly deep V neck. A high slit, but my dress reaches the floor. There are also a few glitter incorporated into the dress.

"excuse me." Severus says loudly. Lucius looks at him anxiously. Exactly wormtail. I think. Lucius pulls aside and lets us in. He walks very close behind me, severus shifts his hand above my hip and he pushes me tightly against him.

The door opens. I make a little scream when I see my-my PROFESSOR hanging over the table. "ah, severus, luna! Sit down, sit down!" says the hoarse voice of Vondemort. I'm staring at my teacher. Severus pushes me gently. All conversations fade into the background while my brain is running at top speed. This is real! This is sirious! No games!
My mind shifts back to the conversation when I hear "Dracos and Luna's teacher and of course Severus his colleague." Voldemort looks me straight in the eye. Consentrate luna! I close my sensitive train of thought and stone my face. I stare into nothing like severus so often does.

Draco seems anxious and actually portrays all my emotions. Then it was there, in the blink of an eye! Without mercy! Without waiting. The woman opens her mouth. "k-i-ds-se-severus-s." she whispers. "AvAdA kEdAVra!" voldemort shouts. The woman falls on the table. Her eyes stare lifelessly ahead. The body of my former teacher is now on the table.

Severus swallows almost invisibly. Draco is failing hard to hide the pain and me? I have to recover and stare at voldemort as I try to keep my thoughts stable. And then as expected I feel him trying to get deeper into my brain. I Block everything, he can't see my pain.

The meeting goes on forever! I'm leaning into severus when voldemort FINALLY says it's done.

We're at the door. Almost outside! Until suddenly draco approaches me. "hey." he says. "hey" I reply shortly. "Haven't seen it for a long time, haven't you had my owls?" he asks. "owls?" I ask, knowing very well what it is about. I had burned all the letters, I didn't want to know anything more about him. "I was just thinking, it was a tiring night ... Wouldn't you two want to stay here?" draco asks. I am looking at severus. 'No please don't!' I speak with my eyes. "we have no choice!" he answers. 'Yes! Just go home. ' I answer. 'Luna! Just 1 night! Otherwise we are suspicious. '
"amazing, with pleasure!" I say with a big fake smile. Draco smiles back and turns to his parents. After a few seconds, Narcissa and Lucius come to us. "fantastic!" says narcissa. "your parents stay here too." she says. Oh! Could it be worse ?! "I'll indicate your room." says Lucius. "maybe draco can do it, you see Luna and draco haven't seen each other for so long time! "Severus says. Draco jumps up and takes my hand.
We'll leave severus and the rest there. Fuck! Why always me ?!


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