Chapter 26

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"accio books." I take place on the table and start to study, I struggle with herbiogy.

I'm studying for an hour now, when suddenly someone nocks on the door. "Luna, it's me McGonagall." I open the door, "hello professor." I said letting her in.

"I noticed you didn't come grab your food this noon. I asked Severus, and he told me you where sleeping here."

I nod my head. "in my free hour I made some brownies for you." she said handing me the box. "thank you professor."

"I hope I didn't Bother you?"

"no, no, I had to take breaks from Severus so it's alright."

"what are you studying now?"

"herbiogy, I find it very difficult this year."

"no worries my child, do you want me to tell Pomona? I will ask her by" dinner."

"thank you." I said.

After a short chat she walked out and left me alone. I placed the box on the table and start studying again. In no less Than 10 minutes I hear his voice in my head. "did you take a break?" Reverberated in my head. "yes, McGonagall came checking on me."
"Okey my love." he replied.

I work for 3 hours now and I think it's time for a break. "sev? I'm taking a break." I didn't know if it has worked, but after 2 minutes he walks in. "Severus snape here for your service." he laughed. "c'mon gentlemen." he takes my hand and gives it a kiss. "what do you wanna do?" he asks. "nothing outside, I have to start working again on time."

"did you eat today?" he asked.

"yes, McGonagall brought me some brownies."

"FUCK!! tomorrow it's McGonagall Birthday!!"


"I don't have presents for her!!"

"me neither....." my eye landed on the box with brownies in. "sev. Let's bake something together for her and this evening we can go to hogsmeade." I- I don't know if I have ingredients for that? I can ask the house Elfs to make something?"

" no!! Severus!! It has to be something special, something personal. "

" Okey, Okey. I will ask a recept and some ingredients, wait here." he said walking out the door.

15 minutes later

" I'm back love. " he said." good. What did they give you from recipes ? "

" uhmm, cupcakes, muffins, cake, cookies, pie and donuts. " he said, looking at his list.

" wow, they really did a good job! " I take some ingredients from him and lay them on the table." which one do we chose? " I ask.

" you can chose. It was your idea. "

" let's make some chocolate muffins. I think that's original!"

"muffins, muffins, muffins." he repieds while his finger is leading his eyes over the paper.

"aah, found it! You need:
2 large eggs
1 cup low fat buttermilk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1-3/4 cups all-purpose flour, spooned into measuring cup and leveled-off
2/3 cup natural unsweetened cocoa powder, such as Hershey's
1-1/4 cups light brown sugar, packed (be sure it is fresh with no hard lumps)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1cup semi-sweet or bittersweet chocolate chips
1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled. "

When he was reading the recipe, I was taking all the ingredients to make it." good! I got it, we can start. "

" Luna, I- I never baked something before... " he said Quiet. I see some sort of Fear on his face, I think he's scared to fail."baking is easy, it's like making a potion, but then safer." I laugh.

I break some eggs in the bowl, "look it's easy, just follow the instructions like by potions." once Severus was started, you couldn't stop him!! He was full of excitement and in his own world!!

The muffins have to bake now for some minutes. "you did beautifully!" I said giving him a kiss. He blushes and tries to Hide it behind his hair. "don't you have class now?" I said when my eyes saw the clock. He turns around "SHIT!!" he takes his Cloak and rushs out of the room.

"Sev, don't forget to Remove the baking powder from your robe." I messaged with occlumency to him.



Thank you for the 300 reads!! It's amazing guys, I love all the comments and votes!! You really are making my days!

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