Chapter 21

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Severus stops on the door from the great Hall. "I love you." he says. "love you more." he raise an eyebrow, "come we go eating." we walk into the great Hall, some people are pushing their friends and pointing at us. We walk to the teachers table and take a seat. Of course I sit next to severus. He lays his hand on my leg to make me feel less uncomfortable, it works a bit.

We eat and I talk with sprout. She's really want to know everything about us, Snape is talking with dumbledore but sometimes when sprout asks a question a bit to privet he turns slowly to her and says very slow "not your business!" everytime he does that sprout winks at me and just ignores him.

Severus has to go because he need to help some 5 years with potions. I go for some me time and want to douche in the luxe bad room, until draco walks past me..... . He's alone and is scared to look at me. Co'mon luna! This can't be like this anymore! I run back to him and take his hand. I take him to an corridor where no one comes.

"draco, I don't want this anymore!" his face is totally scared and it looks like he can start crying every moment. "luna, I'm - I'm sorry *Sobs* I didn't want to do it *sobs* but I - I had to!!" "I know draco, I know...." he looks at his shoes and still didn't look one time at me. I lay my hand on his shoulder, "it's okey.." I Mumble. He looks at me, "I almost killed you it's not okey!!" he shouted while starting crying heavily. "but I'm alive, and I'm living the best life now." I see him thinking if he should ask it. "yes, I'm in love with proffesor Snape....." I answer his question before he asked it. It doesn't look like he find it gross or something like that. "I'm - I'm proud of you that you made your dreams come true." he whispers. Waw!! I didn't expect that answer. I take his hands pull him from the seat and give him a big hug. "thank you." I whisper. "for what I'm an awful person." I let him go and look him Strict in the eye. "you had no choice, your not a bad person and that you now say that your sorry means your a very good and strong person/friend." he nods his head, " thank you luna." "I will always be here for you."

We say goodbye, I go to the bad room when I bump into dumbledore. "aaahh luna I was looking for you." he said happy as always. "uhm okey, for what did you need me?" I said Confused. "come with me, take my arm." I grab his arm and now we stand in his office. "take a seat." I go sit and look at the portrets of the headmasters. "luna of course you know that in a few weeks exams are." I nod my head. "we agreed, if you want so, that you can make your exams next week. You know the situation from lupin.... We where thinking, you can give defence against the dark arts if he is sick, and if he can teach you can help by minerva." my mound Falls open. "do - do you..... Mean I can t - teach at ho - hogwarts?!!!" I Stutter. "yes, if you want so?" dumbledore said calm. "of course I want it!!" I said almost shouting. "okey! So next week you have exams, but I'm sure your going to do it perfect!"

Dumbledore gives me the planning and let me go. Where is severus??? Where is he!? I can't think anymore, I'm so happy!! When I'm on the other side from the castle my brain start working again. Of course he's in his classroom luna you dumb ass. I rush to his classroom not thinking there would be other students. "yes luna?" Snape asks. "severus - I mean professor Snape...... Can I talk to you for 5 seconds?!" our eyes are talking with each other. "yes, go on with you potion of living dead." he said to the group.

"luna what's so important that you have to rush into my classroom while I'm teaching!!"

"ohw if professor don't want to hear it I can go." I said racing an eyebrow and slowly turning away from him. "no luna!! Luna!! I wanna know!!" I hear him shouting. I don't turn around and just walk away. He runs to me. "Luna!! What's so important?" he whispers. "meet me on the lake."

"Luna? Can't you tell me now?" he Whispers. "no."  "fine." he walks back to his classroom, just before he opens the door he looks at me, I wink at him and he smiles.

Life Isn't FairTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon