Chapter 47

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We walk to a big room. "you can leave your things here." says draco. I sink onto the bed and stare a bit ahead. In the house of the man who raped me "are you okay?" Draco asks. "Oh yeah." I answer, shaking my head for a moment to wake up. I don't know how much of Draco's memory has been erased so I'd better shut up.

Suddenly someone knocks on the door. Draco opens the door before I can do anything. "hey darling." my mother says and she comes up to me with open arms. First I crawl away a bit. "what is it?" she asks. "just, I don't feel very well." I answer. My father and mother also sit on the bed.

"we missed you SO!" my mother says exaggeratedly. Father gently nods his head.
My eyes inspect their arms, the darkmark was blacker than before.
"but what do you actually see in that Severus snape?" my mother asks. Oh God! I am not in the mood for this conversation at all ?! I'm not answering. I look at the sheets and make circles with my fingers in the sheet. Suddenly I get a hard slap in my face. "Your answer when we ask you something."
I hold my cheek and feel the tears tickle my eyes, but I manage to suppress them. "who cares if I love him?" I ask. "why am I asking you!" she says loudly. Draco quietly sneaks out of the room. "He's the man who makes me feel good, who makes me feel filthy, loved, ..." I answer.
"otherwise you won't get those feelings ?!" she asks angrily. I am ready for a second shot, but it didn't happen. My mother keeps staring at me furiously.
I look into her eyes and see my father in the corner of my eye gently wiggling back and forth from nerves.

A flood of impulsivity comes over me. "no mother, you have never been able to give me any of these feelings." I answer, staring straight into her face.
She grabs her wand in no time.
"Cruci-" "sectumsempra!" Severus flies around the corner and points his wand at my mother.
Blood spurts from her body and she falls to the floor.
My father looks on helplessly and I don't know whether to be happy or anxious.
Severus bends over her and heals her wounds again. "Luna, obliviate her." he says softly.
My hand shakes hard, but I do as he asks. "obliviate." I say. A hazy look appears on her face. Severus looks at my father. "sorry sir, this was not intended." Severus looks at me briefly. I get the message (message: obliviate him too.) But decide not to do anything.

"Father, I always liked you and the times without her were good, but still I hate you because you always let her do without saying anything." I say professionally.
My father looks at me with a pleading face. I aim my wand at him to erase his memory. "Wait! Luna before you do that! I have no problems with your relationship." he says quickly. I stop and look at him for a moment. "go ahead, I'd rather forget this-." he says after a while. "Okay, oblivi-" as I cast the spell he quickly mumbles something. "I'm proud of you."

After having said that, he falls against the edge of the bed and has the same hazy look as my mother.

I look ahead for a moment. Severus comes and sits past me and softly pushes me against him. He rubs my shoulder.
"we have to get them back to their room." I say after a while. Severus swings his wand and the two people soar into the air.
I quickly cast an invisibility spell around us and then we walk to their room. We put them on their beds and go back to our room.

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