Chapter 53

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We see together how they come closer and closer. Suddenly a gate opens behind the painting. "Neville!" says Harry. "Hey." Neville answers.

We follow him inside and Harry and Neville have a short conversation. At the end of the tunnel we come to another door. Neville opens it and we end up in a large room. Several children I know come running towards us. I stand back and let everyone welcome Harry. I'm leaning against a wall when suddenly I feel two arms around me.

I look and see that she is wearing a bright pink colour ring with a strange sort of sphere on it. "Luna!" I shout. I turn around and hug her back. "oh! Luna! I missed you so much!" i say. "I missed you too!" she replies. "Where were you?" she asks. I look around, everyone is still welcoming Harry, but still I think it's too risky to say. "I'll explain later." I reply.

We stand around the trio and listen attentively.
Suddenly ginny walks in. "Snape knows Harry is here." she says. Everyone is shocked and I had almost forgotten that I should be shocked too.
Of course Snape knew it from me! But the rest didn't know that yet.

We decide to split up and go back to the common room for safety.
I take the opportunity to take Luna to the Slytherin common room. There's hardly anyone there now.

I immediately start explaining.
"I haven't been kidnapped!
I was with Severus.
I became a fellow spy. Or yes.... Voldemort *luna is momentarily startled by the name, but I ignore it* thinks we're spying for him, but actually spy for Dumbledore." I say. "So do you have the death eater logo too?" she asks. "No, snape was able to make sure I didn't had to." I explain.
Suddenly slughorn enters, he looks at luna and then at me. "Come with me." he says.

We follow him to the corridor and join the small group of Slytherins. Luna is the only ravenclaw among us.
We walk down the stairs and Luna quickly joins the ravenclaws. Again I am all alone.
We arrive in the Great Hall.

I see 2 Death Eaters and the teachers. I have never seen mcgonagall like this before! She is sad and looks tired.
Suddenly I see a black phenomenon  walking. Severus!" finally! "What are you doing?" I ask (occlumency). "I have to find Harry Potter before voldemort." he replies.

His face is stern and dead. I prefer it when he is in house clothes. I think to myself.

Severus does his little 'speech'. He unwillingly looks for me in the large groups. I laugh softly when he sees me. His eyes become a little less dead when he sees me, but I doubt anyone would notice.

Suddenly Harry jumps forward.
The entire Order of the Phoenix steps into the hall and draws their wand. Severus does the same.
Suddenly McGonagall jumps in front of them. I see Severus' heart tearing. No! I can't watch this! I jump between the two and raise my arms above my head to stop them. "Luna?" asks McGonagall. "Professor! Please!" I ask. Minerva seems confused for a moment. "Luna! Take revenge on him! He kept you prisoner for so long!" shouts Harry. "No! That's not it! He- he- I.... We are together! I went with him voluntarily! He doesn't belong to them!" I shout. "Take her away!" some students shout.

"Minerva... Let me explain this please? "I ask. Severus suddenly spins around. All the order focuses again, but only then do they see what he is doing. He lets a big beam of fire go to the 2 death eaters, they fall to the ground. "Do you see?" I ask. Mcgonagall looks questioningly at Severus. He steps closer, very slowly.
The order is still not at ease. "sev, drop your wand." I order him (occlumency). He does as I say and steps to my side.
"Minerva, you know I would never do such a thing." he begins. "Dumbledore asked me to kill him, the elderwand would then be entrusted to no one and it would be much less dangerous. Also, he was very sick, do you remember his black shriveled hand?" he asks. "hmh." replies Menirva. "He had touched a hocrux from voldemort. Harry, you're looking for the last hocrux of voldemort, right?" asks Severus. Harry nods thoughtfully. "What did you do to Luna?" asks Ron bravely, but foolish. "Nothing." I reply.
Suddenly luna joins us. "No, there is nothing wrong with Luna! I believe them." she says. Maybe that was not the best thing that could have happened, I love Luna, but she is not very popular at school.


Sorry for the awkward piece, I couldn't make it better :/


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