Chapter I: The Price of Trust [Tya]

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A/N: Hello guys, I would love for to give me any feedback that would help me improve my writing skills!!!!!!

Bzzzt Bzzzt Bzzzt Bzzzt!!
Uhh, what time is it?

Tya opened her eyes slightly to see that it was six in the morning, which gave her ten minutes to get ready or else Sonya would beat her for being lazy and not getting ready.

Shit shit shit! I have to skip a shower today, but she won't mind......Will she? 

She then changed into her school uniform and put on some perfume before shaking her head and brushing her raven hair as her hazel eyes looked at her own reflection. There was no way she could leave Sonya, it wasn't possible. Tya let a soft breath escape her lips as she heard the door bell, running downstairs, she dived for the door and saw her girlfriend standing there, her blue eyes stern and the auburn waves of hair falling over her thin yet attractive frame. Sonya just barged in like she owned the place. Tya gave a small and nervous smile as the other female spoke.

"You wore perfume today? I said for you to wear cologne or else you would get a beating right?"

Tya gave a sad nod as she remembered the conversation from a week ago, her nodding was met by a punch to the chest that snapped several ribs. A small wince escaped from Tya as she looked up at the person that she was supposed to love even though the other hated her for being a lesbian even though she used Tya's status as the queen of the school to get to the top. Sonya then gripped the female by the hair that had been neatly brushed just a few moments ago as she spokenin a disgusted voice

"I hate you, you're never going to be accepted for who are so you might as well take what you can get slut."

Tya gave a slight nod as she stood and spoke shyly "R-ready to go Sonya?"

The other gave a curt nod before dragging the other to school.

They arrived a little bit later as they went to go sit with th only friend they had that was considered 'Unpopular'. Her name was Zendaiya, and she knew how Sonya treated Tya behind doors and had tried multiple times to set the other up with her friends, though they both knew that Sonya would just spread nasty rumors about Tya that would make her life a living hell of she ever left her. Giving a small sigh, she shook her head.

Why do you not love me anymore Sonya? Did I do something wrong?

She admitted defeat to he own thoughts and spoke to the other girls

"So, any news lately on your end Zendaiya?"

The African girl gave a small nod and spoke "There is supposed to be a new girl today. By what I heard, she is suppose to be pretty cute. Too bad that she might not be into girls."

The other two nodded in agreement when Zendaiya had finished speaking. With a small sigh escaping her glossy pink lips, Tya scanned the crowd for someone that she didn't know and her eyes landed right on Kasey.

A/N: I hoep you guys enjoyed this chapter, and please don't like Sonya. I would hate for someone to like an abuser just because she uses her for her for the position she has and doesn't really like Tya.

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