Chapter XVI: Body To the Future, Eyes On The Past [Kasey]

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Kasey woke up the next day and sighed as she bit her lip softly and shook her head before standing up and walking to her dresser rather sloppily since she had failed to hum. She cursed her own stupidity.

Just wait Kasey, you'll find something to actually get this pain to end.

With a small and sad smile playing across her lips, she began to go through her clothes as she began to do her normal humming and picked out a random pair of pants and a shirt that had some sort of symbol on it. She couldn't really tell that she had actually grabbed a pair of black jeans and a shirt that had a picture of an eagle on it. She then pulled off her clothes from yesterday and walked to the shower. She didn't care about anyone seeing her since she was home alone right now cause her mom didn't get off until three today and her dad was out with his 'friend.' Kasey was the only person to actually know that her foster father was having an affair. She didn't know what to do though, so she kept her mouth shut.

'So, no ditching Tya this time, got it?'

Fine Yasek, I won't. Don't worry, I'll be fine and we won't do anything


Kasey gave a small sigh as she walked into the bathroom and closed the door, peeling off her bra and panties as she did so before walking into the shower. She then turned the shower on and waited for it to warm up before she stepped under the water. With a small and inaudible whimper, she began to wash her sandpaper-feeling skin as she began to hum a song. She usually just hummed because she had to, the shower was the one place she had an outside sound that was reliable to guide her so she would hum for entertainment. She then put the soap off to the side before pulling her shampoo out and running her hand over the label. It had been prescribed to her for the scalp burns that she had from the extreme heat oh so long ago. Squeezing a little bit onto her hand, she began to lather it up before washing her hair with it

:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:Time Skip. At School, first hour (Cause air didn't feel like writing a whole morning scene >~<):-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:

Kasey sighed as the teacher rambled on about the equations for Linear Inequalities and how to graph them. She knew that it was supposed to be rather easy but her 'handicap' made it so much harder since the graph blurred together because sound hit all of the lines at the same time. With a small sigh escaping her once more, she looked at her phone to see that Tya had sent a text. She tried her hardest to read it but the screen made the entire thing look like one smooth surface. Cursing her blindness, she then texted back

'Whatever you want to do'

Not even ten seconds later, Tya looked at Kasey and smiled before shaking her had as she bit her lip.

Well, I bet I just fucked up. Well, I don't care anymore. After today, no one will have to care about me. I'll make sure of that...

A/N: Yep, That's why I love cliffhangers. They make my audience pissed and they wanna know more so I make them wait for a while.

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