Chapter I: The Blood of Pain and Suffering [Kasey]

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Kasey woke up the hospital about three days later with a rather large headache as Tya leaned over her. Immediately, Kasey sat up and she was greeted by a rather nasty sound of a few stitches ripping open again. Looking down at her arm, she sighed and looked back up at Tya. She couldn't see what the other girl's expression was, but Kasey guessed that she was disgusted by her now.

Good, push her away and she's bound to stay away.

"Kasey, why did you do that? You could have died then...." At that moment, Tya's eyes began to water as she looked at the other girl with a small light sadness and confusion in her eyes as she continued to speak. "Was it my fault? Was it?"

" isn't your fault...I just don't want to live anymore"

"W....w...why?" At this time, Tya was practically sobbing out every single word she spoke. "P...people would m...miss you...I....would miss you."

"No, you think you would." Kasey was being rather dark and calm about this like they were talking about something that happened thirty years ago. "Please, just leave like I want you to"

"No! Don't you understand?!? I'm not going anywhere!!!!!!"

"Nurse! Get her out of here please!"

At that moment, a nurse came in and dragged Tya out while the redheaded girl kept screaming about how Kasey was being a coward about this.

She doesn't know anything. How much it hurts, I want it to end...please let it end.

Kasey then curled into a ball and cried herself to sleep.

:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:Time Skip, One Week Later:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:

Tya kept coming back even though Kasey wanted her to leave her alone. She just wanted to be alone till she was ready to face the world again. At the end of the week, she had practically told the doctor that she does didn't want Tya to be even come close to her room. This seemed to infuriate her to no end since she would tell at the nurses and doctors to let her see Kasey.

Now it was the day for Kasey to get out of the hospital. She sighed as she looked at the hospital bed that she had occupied for the last week. She then grabbed her clothes and put them on before walking out of the room, only to be met by a pissed off Tya.

"What the hell Kasey!?!?! I thought we were friends!"

"That's the problem, you thought."


"No, I am not the bitch here. You are!"

"Me? Bullshit!"

"No, I wanted to be alone but you forced me to actually request that you couldn't visit."

"Because you're a coward!! You know what, forget whatever I've done for you. As a matter of fact, give me your phone"

"No. Your number stays. I bet you'll get over this."

"Like hell I will!"

"Talk to you later," Kasey then walked past Tya as she went to the front desk to check out of the hospital. She then walked out of the hospital and realized she didn't have a ride, so she pulled out her phone and called Tya. "Hey, I need a ride."

"Fuck off Kasey!"

"Please, or do you want me to actually die?"

"Fine, I'll be out there in a minute."

"Okay," She then hung up and tapped her foot while she waited for Tya to walk out of the hospital.

:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:Time Skip, Twenty minutes later:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:

Tya had gotten over the argument already and was talking to Kasey even though the blonde wasn't really listening to her since she was too busy arguing with herself.

'You know what Kasey? She was right, you are a coward!'

But the hurts so much

'So? Deal with it!!'

No...I want it to end

'Bullshit, that's the biggest load I've heard all day's

I really do want it to end, now be quiet

'Whatever coward'

Kasey then motioned for Tya to pull over even though they had yet to reach her house.

"Yes Kasey?"

"You know, I did kinda like the kiss. But that doesn't let you off the hook for surprising me. I still don't even know my sexuality."

"Alright, then I guess I have a pretty good shot with you."


Tya then began to drive the car again before they pulled into her driveway and Kasey stepped out and went into the house to be met by a very concerned mother that wasn't her's. She sighed and moved out of the way before walking up to her room and sitting on her bed.

A/N: And there is the first chapter of the Second act!

Some time has passed and as you can see, Kasey is still broken. What will heal her? Will Tya be too late to help?

Like I'm gonna tell you. Figure it out as the book goes along.





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