Chapter VI: Breakdown into Madness [Kasey]

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A small and warm whisper had trickled over her ear as she shuddered at the evil whisper that reminded her so much of all of the cruelness in the world. It had come from Sonya, who had made it her new goal to cause her to kill herself or at least never have enough goodness in her life to let he actually ever be happy "Hey freak, I bet no one will ever care for you, no one likes what's broken when they can have someone like me.....bitch"

Tears rimmed in Kasey's eyes as she whispered in a very unsure and sad voice "That isn't true, people care about the person, not the looks"

"No, looks come first then the personality. Why else are the fatties and freaks like you always left out of the game even though you guys are somewhat different then us?"

That pushed Kasey over the edge, she cried silently as the tears rolled down her face. She then looked atntue ground and walked over to the bleachers as she told on of the substitutes they could have her spot on the court.

Am I really not deserving of anyone? Am I unable to get a person who cares just because of my scars?

She then curled into a ball on her seat as she sobbed quietly, which caused Sonya to smirk at her handiwork. After the bell rang, Kasey went to the office and asked to go home since she was sick even though she looked fine. The principal told her to go to class, which was Graphic Animation. She would usually enjoy this class but everyone kept staring at her like she was a freak, or was it her imagination?

Stop.... leave me alone......please stop staring at me like that......I want to fit in.....LEAVE ME ALONE! I DON'T DESERVE TO BE TREATED LIKE A FREAK FOR MY PAST......please.....just.....let the.....pain end.

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