Chapter VII: Threats and Defeat [Kasey]

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Kasey let a soft sigh of relief escape her lips as she finally reached the gym. The last couple of weeks had been tough on her since she was falling for a girl that would surely find her disgusting.

Kasey, why did you do it? You ruined everything! I mean, now she probably won't even be your friend!

She shook her head softly and grabbed her gym clothes from her gym locker before changing. She wasn't really listening or even paying attention to her surroundings so she nearly screamed when Sonya came in and shoved her against the wall and spoke in a very seductive yet dark voice.

"Why hello Kasey, I think we got off to a wrong start. I'm Sonya and well, I will make your life a living hell if you mess with me. Or maybe I might pit Tya against you."

"She said that she left you though." Her voice had been shaking the entire time she had said it since she had no idea what the other would do. It scared the shit out of her.

"Heh, like I need her to make her feel horrid about you. I can just take what you're saving for that certain someone and then she'd hate you."

"Not true, she cares about me unlike you!"

"Liar, she just thinks you're beautiful because you're strong on the outside."

"Me and strong don't go together."

"Oh? Well then, I guess you have to listen to me. Don't talk to her, don't look at her, don't even THINK about her or I will take that beautiful thing called your virginity and make you feel horrid. I may not like girls in that way, but I will use people's outlook on me to my advantage."

"O-okay." And with that, Sonya let Kasey go and walked away, causing the blind female to slide down on the wall and curl I to a ball as she sobbed. Tya had already been in here or Kasey would've left the locker room and actually ignored her. This was going to be difficult. But then again, Kasey had gone through worse torture than this.

Not really a cliffhanger ending to the chapter but I liked it. I hope no one kills me for bringing the crazy ex-girlfriend back into the picture. Though the unexpected should be expected here.





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