Chapter II: Distractions and Depression [Kasey]

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Kasey woke up a few hours later to a loud thud downstairs. She groaned slightly and began to hum before heading down the stairs and seeing that someone was here. Immediately, she tensed up. She knew that no one was supposed to be here for the next few days except her. She then got the courage to speak.


"Hey babe."

Immediately, Kasey relaxed slightly and walked to her girlfriend. Her lips teased into a small smile just like they did every time the two girls were near each other. Kasey then kissed her girlfriend softly and blushed, which the other took advantage of and kissed her back.

"How did you get in?"

"The door was left open."


"Yeah, anyways, what are you doing home without telling me?"

"Didn't feel good."

"Oh, well then. Let me pamper you."

"I'm fine now. Want to watch a movie?"


Kasey then walked over to the DVD's and picked out a scary movie before she felt a pair of hands on her hips, pulling her to the couch as the movie began. It wasn't that bad but Tya was soon cuddled up to the blind female as she looked at the other softly, the sound around them was so constant that it made it where the other could actually see the details of the other.

:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:Time Skip, 10:00pm:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:

Tya had gone home a few hours ago and Kasey had retired to her room. She was definitely in a bind. She didn't know if she wanted to try for happiness or if she even deserved to. She would be content with just having what little she had now so long as the pain in her body and mind ended. With a small groan escaping her lips, she looked from the blade that had become her dark addiction and her relief to her pillow. She didn't know if she needed some sleep or if she wanted to die. It was tearing her apart and she didn't know how to deal with that.

Eh, I'll figure it out soon enough. It's not like I'm going to make anyone worry.

Kasey then crawled into her bed and pulled the blanket over head. Her eyes were rimmed with tears as she realized that nothing she had done so far had fixed the hole created by the cruel and abusive words of just one person. But those words had soon spread across the school and made her life a disaster. She had no idea what to do anymore other than to find a way to escape her own hell.

A/N: Hey guys. Another update was done. If you want a break from the feels or just want to know a few good authors that I promote then you should really check these authors and books out!

HauntingHydrex: Red Snow
Shibuyan: Guiltless
TheLastBroadcast: 7:00, 7:54, Numb
LittleMissKaede: Till Death Do Us Part.

I also want to let you know that these people and their stories have touched me and made me want to write in the first place. Please check these books out if you haven't yet.

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