Chapter XI: Sun And Moon [Kasey]

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Kasey had been passed out for two days in a dreamless sleep. She hated how her entire body ached from how deeply she had been asleep. As a matter of fact, she hated how she was supposed to stay in bed for a few more days. She wanted to stretch. She was soon met by the fact that Tya had walked in. School must have ended in the time that it took Kasey to figure out what she was going to say.


"Why? You try being in my shoes."

"Sorry, I'm just in one of those moods."

"It's fine..."

"What did you need to talk to me about?"

This was it. The moment that Kasey had played over in her head repeatedly. This was it, the moment that she was trying to work up to.

"Would out with me?"

Her volume had decreased as she spoke. Her entire body was shaking from the fact that she was actually setting herself up for a fall. She was soon met by a pair of soft lips meeting her own. She relaxed slightly into the pressure of the other's lips against her own. She soon felt her arms wrap around the redhead's neck. She was so absorbed into the kiss that she had failed to notice two things. The first thing wasn't that bad for her, Tya had made her way into the bed and was laying next to Kasey. The second was catastrophic though, her 'mother' had watched the entire scene unfold and was actually taking pictures. Her mother was an avid LGBT rights activist and she was planning to use her daughter as her new spokesperson. Kasey soon pulled away and looked into the other's eyes as she gave a soft smile that actually seemed to be real for the first time since she had moved here. Things finally seemed to be looking up for her.

A/N: Well, you guys deserve this. I mean, over 1.75k views when I updated this! Thank you for staying with me from the beginning! I love all of you guys for being such dedicated fans! Oh my gawd! Thank you!





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