Chapter X: So, Is This All? [Tya]

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Tya sighed as the other female left. She knew she was going to be in some sort of trouble. Sure, everyone knew that she's a lesbian. Her parents even made it clear that girls were to be cleared with them before coming to the house.

"Tya, why the hell did you not tell us about her?"

"Like you wanted to know about her."

"Kasey Overdlae? I actually know a few things on her medical certificate that no one else does."


"She's blind."

"Not true, she sees people just fine. Sure, her eyes are lavender. I also will admit that she has told me stuff in private, but she is not blind. She just can't see without sound!"

"Whatever. You're grounded for the foreseeable future."


"Room, now!"

"Yes ma'am!"

Tya then stormed up the stairs. She was pissed, and she had ever right to be. Her mother wasn't accepting of her and was constantly trying to get her to date guys. Her father would have understood.

Great, and I bet Kasey's scared of me now. Just as we kissed, Dammit mom!

:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:Time Skip, Two Days:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:

Tya was starting to get worried, Kasey hadn't been at school for a few days now and it was starting to scare her. At that moment she got a text from Kasey.

'Kasey's in the hospital dear, I'm sorry to tell you that. She hasn't woken up for a few days. Please come by, I know that you would want to hear the whole story. ~Mrs.Deems

Tya broke into silent tears. And she had good reason to, the one person she felt the closest to was in the hospital. It ripped her apart. She didn't know what to do. She hated the feeling of not being there for the other female in the moments that she needed her.

Did I drive her away? Does she hate me now?

At that moment, another text came from the same person.

'She's awake and really wants you to come by today. Please do, she wants to talk to you about something.'

Tya gave an uneasy smile before putting her phone away and shaking her head. She just had to wait until the school day was out.

A/N: Not too depressing or anything, just a short  chapter of nothing except Tya's worry.

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