Chapter IV: Darkness Around Beauty [Kasey]

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Am I really ugly? Did she say that just to make me hate myself? I don't know anymore. With a small phrase, she hurt me, why?

Shaking her head slightly, she sighed slightly and stood erect as the teacher began to call role. When it reached Kasey, she let out a soft reply of "Here" Her voice had soothed the hostility in the room slightly. When he heard the reply, engaged slight nod and checked her name off of the list for today.

Whew, at least he didn't say my last name. Everyone here knows about the accident but in the wrong way, they think I caused it. Let them think as they wish, just don't let it bother you Kasey.

With a hand being waved in front of her face, she was brought back to reality as he explained that everyone was to have a team of six or more and no one was to be left out.

Could today get any worse?

At that moment, it did. Sonya walked right over to Kasey and smirked as she shouted, even though the teacher wasn't even in here.

"I guess ScarLady is on my team."

At that moment, Tya walked up to her and spoke softly.

"Sonya, please stop. You know that if you treat somone like garbage then you start to become it yourself."

Sonya just smirked and whispered to Tya.

"Then how do you explain yourself babe?"

Kasey just stood there until it escalated to the two girls throwing words at each other, then she just spoken in a soft voice that caused the tension to dissipate.

"Please stop, I don't want you guys to start a war."

Her lavender eyes looked over the two girls even though she couldn't see the features of the other people, just the outline and their lips and nose and eyes and every single detail of them, just not the color.

Dammit Kasey, you shouldn't have gotten involved! Now the meaner one will hurt you!

At that moment, she was saved by the teacher walking in and noticing the teams so he wrote them down and gave a small speech about how today they were going to start on their dodgeball unit, which would end with school wide tournament.

A/N: Here was another successful update, please vote if you enjoyed the chapter, and please what I could do better.

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