Chapter XVIII: What Just Happened? [Kasey]

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Kasey smiled inwardly as she pretended to watch the movie even though she failed to see it since the sound was making just one flat sound wave. She sighed slightly and looked down at Tya somewhat. They had known as each other for a few days and it was going rather nicely. She could at least forget some of her misery when she was around the redhead but it was impossible for her to completely remove it from her mind since she was constantly second guessing if she should be alive or not. That's when it happened, Tya pulled Kasey into her and kissed her softly. Kasey was stunned, nothing like that had happened to her before and she didn't even know if she liked girls, guys or both. It was all too confusing and she couldn't think straight since she already had the stress of depression on her mind.

:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:Time Skip. After the movie:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:

Kasey's head was still spinning as she spoke to Tya, the two were on their way to Kasey's house since the two had apparently made arrangements to do so in class. At that moment, Kasey spoke up about what happened in the movie theater.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"During the movie"

"A kiss, why?"

"Why did you kiss me?"

"Let's just say that I had a feeling that you might like it"

"I didn't, you just caught me off guard."

"Oh..." Kasey immediately regretted what she said and looked at her feet so as to distract herself from what was going on with the girl next to her.

"Tya, I think you should head to your house till I figure out how I felt about the kiss, and please...only call me. I don't reply to texts."

"Yeah...see ya at school tomorrow?"

"I don't know, maybe."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye." And with that, Kasey watched Tya's retreating figure as she sighed and shook her head before heading to her house. She wasn't really up for the stress that came with what Tya just did, and it just added to the feelings of doubt and stress in her life because of what she did. She walked in and smiled to her mom before speaking "I ate with a friend, I'm headed to bed"

"Shower first young lady, and where's your father?"

"Cheating on you."


"He's been cheating on you for a while now, about a month or two. I apologize for being the bearer of bad news ma'am."

"Oh...what's the tramp's name?"


"Thanks, I'm going to find him and WHOOP HIS ASS!"

"Alright, night mom"

"Night, and please don't refer to him as father anymore. Alright?"

"Fine," And with that, Kasey walked up the stairs before remembering that she had forgotten something. She then snuck back downstairs and grabbed the knife and shook her head.

I guess this is my deadly addiction huh? I hate how this is my only way out. Mrs.Deems seems like a nice lady though

Kasey then bolted up to her room and spin the blade in her hand a before deciding that she needed to get rid of the pain and confusion in her mind through her nasty habit. She placed the blade against her skin on her wrist just below the veins since she had no intention of bleeding to death. She then began to draw the blade across the skin as she winced, but she still cut into her skin nonetheless and was soon bleeding deeply, but not bad enough to really make it where she was unable to live. With a small sigh, she changed into a pair of shorts, still bleeding mind you, and a tank top before going to bed. She laid there for a few minutes before she passed out from blood loss. She had hit an artery by accident and it could in fact kill her.


A/N: Yep, the chapter numbers will reset and the Act will be Act II.

I know, you guys hate me for being a dick and making it a cliffhanger for the end of the Act. But I like the ending a little bit, it gives me to think.





The Color of Love and Why We Can't See ItTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon