Chapter XV: Small Words, Large Impact [Kasey]

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The lights in the house were dimmed because she had a headache. Kasey let small sigh out through her lips as she stood up and moved her pillow from under her head to show the blade that she had used. It needed washed before her parents found out about her new 'habit.' She stood and walked downstairs with her eyes squinted ever so barely so as to block out the light with her r eyelids as best as she could before placing the bloody knife in the sink.

So...Tya didn't care either. That's fine, I guess I can leave and not harm anyone. I guess I should do it soon, maybe with my mom's morphine. But what if I only go into a coma? Yeah, like anyone would even visit, I doubt anyone would even care.

'Kasey, are you going to really roll over and play dead? Get the fuck out of your head and actually get a life instead of being so goddamn mopey! Hell, even I have more of a social life when I don't talk to you!' one even wants someone like me.

'Seriously? I don't want to see you act like this. Just call Tya and tell her you're ready to go to the arcade with her tomorrow. That would help!'


'Good, now get that knife washed and show the parents your scars!'

No, talk to you later Yasek.

Kasey gave a small sigh as she put the knife in the back of the dishwasher so that way no one would see the blood on it and think of the worst. She wasn't ready to hear the news that she was going to the orphanage again so she had to keep this from everyone. Her habit was her's alone to know. With a small sigh escaping her lips, she walked upstairs and pulled out her phone before calling the only contact that was in it, which was Tya.

One minute, no answer. Kasey was a very calm person usually so she wasn't really worried.

Two minutes, still no answer. Kasey started to panic since she thought that Tya was in trouble, but she was soon calmed as she explained in her voice message that she was in bed at the moment so she left a message

"Hey, I was wondering if I could hang out with you tomorrow, I know I ditched you today but I want to make up for it. Call me back, bye"

Kasey then hung up and went back up to her room before going to her bed and flopping onto it before pulling the blankets over her head and crying as she looked at her arms. (Though she couldn't see what she had done.) She then let out a small sigh and shook her head, even her family thought that she could see, if only one person knew then she would immediately be seen in pity instead of as a normal person, so she naturally kept it hidden rather well. Her last family had found out and they sent her back to the orphanage like she was a faulty item that they had received from a store and they immediately took another kid into foster care.

A/N: Hey, thanks for so many views! I feel so loved! My Lord, I wanna than the follow people (A certain one again):

You guys are the best fans that a person could ask for, thank you for all of your support with me and this book!

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