Chapter XIII: Past Pains and Future Scars [Kasey]

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What am I doing?

That was the question going through her mind as she sat down next to the girl that had so kindly as given her a chance at having a friend before she began to add to the scars on her body. It wasn't like they could see them over the burns though, that wasn't possible with how she did it.

'Kasey, just suck it up and let this go as I may!!!!'

Okay...just this once.

Kasey then tapped Tya on the shoulder and was met with a pair of brilliant green eyes that would put an emerald to shame, though she would never know the color of those eyes. With a small hint of nervousness in her voice, she began to speak, not really able to figure out a topic until it came out of her mouth

"'re you doing today?"

"Fine, and what about you Kasey?"

"Okay I guess"

"Yeah, I know how you feel."

Yeah right, you don't want to just put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger ten times from depression so shut the fuck up!

She smiled a small and fake smile to Tya before continuing the conversation " um....."

"You want to hang out again?"


"Great! How about the arcade!"

"I guess"

"Okay, meet you there at around four, does that seem good?"

Kasey just nodded before she began to fidget slightly from the fact that she was rather uncomfortable with the silence. She had began to zone out until the bell rang, which made Kasey jump from the fact that she wasn't ready for it. She then grabbed her bag and rushed out of the room before heading to her third hour, which was History. She stopped by her locker before grabbing her stuff. Closing her locker when she was done, she had began to walk away before a few preps surrounded her and began to insult her on her clothes. Calling her a nerd and a dork wasn't really that bad though, she could deal with it. It was when she was forced to the floor and her sleeves were pulled up that she began to cry. Her scars had already caused her enough trouble and now it would just continue.

"Oh my god!!! She's a fucking emo!"

Calm down, they don't mean it, stop crying, please

"No wonder she hides her arms, she looks disgusting!

Please.....don't do hurts scars aren't my fault

"My God, get some surgery and fix your ugliness before you kill someone with it."

At this point, Kasey stood and pushed the others off of her before she spoke to the others in a timid and fearful voice "You....don't know why it hurts.....having nothing but one to care for one to call mom or don't know why I have to have no idea about the fire that killed my family.....JUST LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE!!!!!!!" She had slowly gained volume in her speech before she had screamed the last sentence before running. The hallways had filled with murmurs of what she had done. She didn't hear them though, she had already made a beeline for the history room on the fifth floor. She kept dodging and ducking to keep from being hit by other people. She gave a soft sigh when she had slid into her seat. Her head went straight to the desk as she soon passed out from the lack of sleep she had gotten last night.

A/N: Yep, I just made Kasey's life so much harder and you have no idea what I have planned for this book! I will destroy your feels by the end of this book.






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